I can do both! Yay!

Mar 27, 2006 13:40

1. What's your middle name?


2. Is your cell phone a flip phone?

I share a cell phone with my husband ("just for emergencies"), and it's the bottom-of-the barrel kind. No flipping whatsoever.

3. Have you ever been to New Jersey?:

Yes--drove through it North to South. It was a lot prettier and greener than I'd been led to expect.

4. What's your favorite soda?:

I used to have a huge secret love for grape Crush, but the last time I had it...ew. It was really gross. I guess I like Diet Coke best now. Widmer's root beer is yummy, too, but I haven't had it in years.

5. Do you have satellite?


6. Where did you go to college?

Nowhere. Sigh. That was a dumb choice.

7. What's the longest road trip you've been on?

I've told about this too many times--a loop around the US during the summer of '92. In a VW bus, which was, of course, painted whimsically by my friend and me.

8. Did you go to a private school?

No indeed.

9. What's your favorite smiley?

I like the noseless winky face: ;)

10. Do you buy lottery tickets in hopes of winning?

No, but I talk about it every once in a while. Once I made my husband buy one--and we won $20.

11. What year were you born in?


12. Do you like the smell of Sharpies?

Yes! They smell like Christmas.

13. What does your screensaver look like?:

A photo slide show.

14. Do you have an iPod?:

No. I sort of want one, but I don't know why. I can't go around with ear buds in my ears--I have to be listening for sounds of imminent destruction around the house.

15. What's your biggest pet peeve?

I don't know if this is my biggest, but I really hate it when people try to force their stereotypical gender ideas onto children.

16. What shoe size do you wear?

9 or 9 1/2.

17. What's your favorite kind of cereal?

I love cereal! Chocolate Lucky Charms is probably my favorite, but mostly I eat Kashi Go Lean or Frosted Mini Wheats.

18. Do you ever listen to Classical music?


19. What kind of instruments do you play?

No kind at all.

20. Do you like Girl Scout cookies?

Oh, yes, especially Samoas.

21. Have you ever ridden in a limo?:

Yes, a surprise ride on my 18th birthday.

22. Do you like Hummers?

No. I like Mini Coopers!

24. Are you scared of horses?

Oh, I'm ashamed of this, but...yes. I'm afraid of big dogs, too.

25. Do you like milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

Um. Yes.

26. Do you wear glasses?

No, because I wear super-strong contacts.

27. Does it annoy you when people misspell things?

It used to, but not anymore. I'm not the world's best speller myself anyway. I do still get annoyed when I see misspellings in "official" contexts. Like in advertisements. Gah!

28. Do you like the beach or the mountains:

I love both.

29. Have you ever taken cough medicine when you didn't have a cough?

Mr. Edwards on Little House on the Prairie taught me well. I'd never do such a thing. Besides, cough medicine is nasty. I don't take it even when I do have a cough.

30. Have you ever been to band camp?

I've never been to any kind of camp. Well, unless you count Outdoor School.

31. Do you know any guys with a receding hair line?

Of course.

32. Do you know what Chacos are?


33. Do you own a Nalgene?

Yes, two--an orange one and a purple one.

34. Have you ever watched Room Raiders on MTV?

I think I have, once.

35. What's the best Christmas present you've ever got?

Hmm. This is tough. The Walkman when I was nine? The word processor when I was twelve? The perfect Guatemalan sweater when I was sixteen? The box of stamps and envelopes and postcards when I was first starting to submit? I can't choose.

36. What's your favorite Popsicle flavor?

Lime. Or root beer. Or banana. I like Fudgsicles best of all.

37. Did your parents give you an allowance?

Yep--and they hardly ever forgot. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

38. Did you ever watch Rugrats when you were little?

I'm too old for that. I was a big Scooby Doo fan, though.

39. How many myspace groups have you joined?


40. What do you think of standardized tests?

I think they're ridiculous and stupid. Except for the one that let me pass sophomore algebra. That one was great.

41. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

I can't think of anything very crazy. Darn.

42. Have you ever cheated on a test?

I guess I have, if filling out random blanks on a Scan-Tron form without even reading the questions and then accepting my A counts as cheating. (See #40.) It probably does. I don't think I cheated on any other, though.

43. Is tomorrow your birthday?

Alas, no.

44. Have you ever choked on your own spit?

Um, like two hours ago.

45. Do you like roller coasters?

I'm a scaredy cat. I've never been on a real roller coaster.

46. When was the last time you went roller blading?

Yikes! I've never been roller blading! I have no experiences!

47. Have you ever wished you had a twin?

Sometimes I did when I was a kid.

48. Do you have a caffeine addiction?

I like my coffee a lot, but I don't think I'm addicted. No, really. I went without coffee for two weeks recently, and I was lonesome for it, but I felt fine physically.

49. Do you get claustrophobic easily?:

Nah. I don't like crowds, but I do like small spaces.

50. Would you ever kiss on the first date?

Yes. If I still went on first dates.
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