\o/ I LIVE!
Whyyyyyy do computer woes just seem to pile on me? Is it because I don't back things up? IS IT KARMA?? *grouses* Bleargh.
So, anyway: HOWDY! How's everyone? Did we all have a fine October? With lots of meat? *waggles eyebrows* Mine could've been meatier, but oh well.
C'est la guerre.
I make my bulleted list, now, yaye!
♥ I signed up for my first Christmas exchange-thing in Naruto fandom, (since I always missed the HP sign-ups,) and I probably have horrible luck and picked a crappy one, or something, but !!! someone over at
santanojutsu is going to get my art for Christmas. WANT? :B
♥ I posted some art and totally forgot to link from my own lj, which may/may not be retarded. More than likely, it is, seeing as how lots of people don't watch communities. >_> SO HERE:
Title: "Shiver"
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Naruto
Characters/Pairings: Naruto/Sasuke
Warnings: Mmm...tongue.
http://community.livejournal.com/rahly_furverted/21813.html ♥ I love feedback. :3
♥ Halloween was ... Well, it just was. Jaq dressed as a pageant child (a la Jonbenet) and I dressed like a New Jersey pageant mom. We put Jillian in a froofy dress, but she pretty much just slept on Chris's shoulder as we walked. Fun tiemz and candy. \o/
♥ I finally caved in and set up my facebook, as many of you must have noticed. :B (PSST: Heather, I can't find you. Find me?)
♥ I've missed my flist. How is everyone?