myradi.neuf // semi-friends-only

Sep 10, 2010 20:55

this is the writing journal for fomicry_doll to post all of her writing garbage.

this journal is semi friends only!!

what does this mean for you?
while most of my writing will be open for public view, writing labeled as "mature" will be locked for friends-only. I really don't feel like dealing with people getting freaked out about me writing smut or slash or whatever else squicks you.

feel free to add me if you only want to see my "work-safe" writing, but I won't add you back unless you comment to this post under the assumption that you'd rather not be exposed to anything above a PG-R level. and I'll be sure to label all of my writing properly so that you won't accidentally stumble into something you're not comfortable with.

so once again, if you'd like access to my mature-themed writing, comment to this post to be added. otherwise, no complaints about "omg 2 guys r havin secks" in my journal, got it?


communites I mod/co-mod:
show some love if you love me!

brits_and_twits // (Kingdom Hearts) // Luxord/Demyx comm.
emptyxmelodies // (Kingdom Hearts) // Xemnas/Demyx comm.
eroded_soul // archive of my roleplay muses
shutup_and_eat // (Jet Set Radio) // Beat/Yoyo comm.

semi-friends only, announcement

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