Clever little things.

Mar 31, 2009 18:58

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meme, nexus

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evillurks March 31 2009, 23:22:38 UTC
Go on then.


myra_reldon April 1 2009, 00:15:34 UTC
1. Your eye color is stunning. I personally believe some of that has to do with the prominence of your nose as well.

2. It's tough to think of something to challenge the Shadow of all people. Let's see, I dare you to spend an uneventful day at the beach, and actually enjoy it.

3. Silver. Silver hair, silver guns, both are good things.

4. The way you treat me as an equal, that you trust me as much as any other agent, and are willing to help me become better at my trade.

5. The surprise and relief of hearing your voice when I showed up in the Nexus.

6. I've called you a tiger before, and I stand by that.

7. There are a lot of these, and I have to be careful not to mix questions for you with those for my Shadow. What is it like, to be truly anonymous, and yet known and trusted by so many people?

8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours.


evillurks April 1 2009, 18:41:00 UTC
1. It is a little distinctive. They both are.

2. ...That sounds similar to Green's challenge. I'm sensing a theme. Everybody wants me to take a day off.

3. We almost went through this on another meme.

4. You're welcome.

5. I was surprised.

6. I think I like being an old tiger.

7. Alienating, but rewarding in its own way.


myra_reldon April 1 2009, 19:16:13 UTC
2. I guess it seems so unlike you, but you also work so hard for so long. It's not like I'm saying anything beyond one day, or even a few hours, but it couldn't hurt. Heck, I'm taking a day or two off after all this with Khan is over. God knows, I'm going to need it.

3. We did, but your hair and guns are what stand out most to me, especially against all the black.


evillurks April 1 2009, 19:48:06 UTC
Too hard and too long, seems to be the opinion. I'm not opposed to relaxing a little, when my work allows it. I guess I'm busier, in a way, than I used to be.

I don't mind silver.


myra_reldon April 1 2009, 20:40:04 UTC
It's not like we're asking you to retire, I keep getting this vibe that you think anything relaxing equals retirement. I might be wrong...

Silver makes it easier for me to tell you apart from my Shadow. I think at this point, my mind calls you 'Silver Shadow' and my Shadow 'Black Shadow' just so I can keep you two straight.


evillurks April 1 2009, 20:45:48 UTC
I guess I'm wary, after having been retired. I just don't relax well. I'm not a calm, relaxed person. If I were I'd have stayed with the monks. I'll never be focused enough to do what they do. I get restless.

Why does that sound to me like something out of a Western movie? The Lone Ranger's second horse... still, I think I'm inexplicably flattered. I won't ask what you'll call me if I'm around long enough for it to go white...


myra_reldon April 1 2009, 21:18:39 UTC
I completely understand that point of view, especially after telling me about your experiences during your 'retirement'. If the beach doesn't fit your fancy, maybe spending the day just flying around to all the little airports upstate might be more to your liking (granted, I don't know how many of those are left in your world).

I think you're securely the 'Silver Shadow' from now on, even when you go white. 'White Shadow' just doesn't have the one-two punch that 'Silver Shadow' does.

Nice, The Lone Ranger. That just came on the radio a year ago.


evillurks April 1 2009, 21:24:40 UTC
It's a large part of why I do what I do. The beach is fine, but a day flying sounds even better... There's plenty of them, and most of them are less moderated and only used by private pilots now.

It's the alliteration.

...Oh. Hm. I forget the time gap, sometimes. I must be getting forgetful.


myra_reldon April 1 2009, 21:46:18 UTC
I imagine taking the Gyro might get a crowd, though it would let you make your own landing strips if you find any locations that might be pretty to stop and take a peek around. You could also stop up at the Finger Lakes, you mentioned a while ago having a plane that could handle that.

I forget too sometimes, and the different worlds too. I've had to catch myself on a number of occasions when I'm about to reminisce about something, because I have to remember, I never actually met you until recently.


evillurks April 1 2009, 21:52:25 UTC
I have a beechcraft, yes. It would attract a lot less attention than the autogyro...

Our worlds seem to be closely parallel, so I might remember the same things, there's just... more history than you've seen yet.


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