[100 prompts - Not Enough, Lightning, Storm]

Jul 26, 2009 22:12

034.Not Enough
Fandom: The Shadow
Characters: Myra Reldon
Word Count: 349
Rating: G
Summary: A minor snag in plans, and a development that might eventually be more in favor of the mission objective.
Author's Notes: Following: 004.Insides. Why can’t missions be cut and dried some days?

Myra waited, and prayed to whatever deity of spies that might be listening, that the two men down below would make her trip worthwhile and objective easy to obtain. As it was, they were currently talking about incoming shipments, and she made sure to stay absolutely still as they talked. She had three hours of recording time, between batteries and a spare tape, but she was hoping she wouldn’t need to use all of it. She wasn’t about to record over the information she was gathering, as this would help muddle future activities after The Shadow had sent the tape to the police and the gang had been thoroughly thrashed. It took twenty minutes before they finally began on a topic of conversation that made Myra smile grimly.

They began to discuss in loose detail the move that was to happen in a week and a half. Pallets would need shipping, lab equipment careful packing, and people relocated in mass, without drawing suspicion. They had been sent explicit directions and Myra crept to the edge so that she could see, and noticed a paper being handed over to the other member, and she scowled. They were not going to talk about the exact details and location apparently, since such words would be unnecessary with the page of directions that was now on the table. She was too far away to even make out the lettering on the page. It was mentioned all the members had a duplicate copy, but were not to show it to anyone else.

The conversation moved onto the news and Myra stopped the recording, tucking the device neatly under her coat again before carefully moving towards the end of the shelf, nearest the office that the two men had exited earlier. Only a copy had been brought out, and if her deduction was correct, the original would still be in the office. She might have to camp out for a short while before she could enter, but if she could gain access, there would be no need to risk discovery in the other warehouses.

Fandom: The Shadow
Characters: Myra Reldon
Word Count: 560
Rating: G
Summary: Myra finishes her espionage part of the mission. Thankfully, she’s a woman with a plan.
Author's Notes: Following: 034.Not Enough. Lighting is one of a spy’s greatest enemies.

There were some days, and some missions, where the extent of Myra’s patience impressed even herself. Today was not one of those days, as she sat crouched between two crates uncomfortably, waiting for the two men to leave the warehouse. They’d been discussing going home for almost thirty minutes, and it was over an hour ago that Myra had first come upon them. She stretched her legs often to keep them from getting cramped, but what she really wanted, was to get the information she needed, and then to get back home as soon as possible. It was her plan to use her PINpoint once she’d obtained her information, since there was little point in risking discovery trying to get away, and it would help keep her out of the rain. She knew full well the danger of bringing the device along with her, but she was willing to accept the risk in favor of improving her own odds and safety, should something go sour.

At last, the duo stood, exchanging a moderately complicated handshake and then parting with guards at their sides. This was a fantastic break, and Myra used the chance to slip down to the floor, and scoot by the TV that had thankfully been turned off, and into the office. When she entered, she quickly understood why the door had not been locked. In a corner sat a medium-sized safe with yet another electronic number pad on it. She decided then, that she hated keypads. She slipped over to it and then decided to rifle the desk that looked mostly unused first, in case she could get a clue or even the combination.

She searched for secret panels in the desk after finding it bare, and was happily rewarded with more than what she had expected. Her guess was that money was kept in the safe, since in her hands, she held a few sheets of paper, one of them with the directions that she needed for The Shadow. She couldn’t chance stealing the paper, as the second its presence was missed, plans would change and the cordons around the warehouse would tighten. She looked around, finally finding a pen and paper. In her best shorthand, she duplicated the message and then replaced it into its hold. She had the message memorized, but would rather hand The Shadow a paper version if she could. Tucking it next to the recorder, she reached under the other side of her coat.

Just as she did, a bolt of lightning struck, lighting up the room, warehouse, and grounds completely. It was so out of the blue, that she paused, looking up as the entire world turned bright as day for only a second and stared through the door window from the office into the warehouse, and saw two patrols staring right back at her. Her luck had just run out. At least, that’s what the patrols thought as they ran towards the office, having only seen a vague human figure illuminated through the frosty glass. They only knew no one was supposed to be in the office. Calmly, Myra pulled the PINpoint from under her coat, and ran over to a window. She unlatched it, and swung it wide open before crouching down below the desk to help hide her escape as she pressed her emergency button for home.

Fandom: The Shadow
Characters: Myra Reldon
Word Count: 1111
Rating: G
Summary: Myra makes the drop off and goes home.
Author's Notes: Following: 068.Lightning. Well, that was an adventure!

The rain was horridly persistent and lightning flashed almost constantly as Myra walked along the street in her raincoat, finally reaching the drop-off point for her information. She’d been ordered not to bring the information to Rettigue’s apartment, and instead, was dropping off a thick envelope at a rather dusty building, into an office door labeled B. Jonas. She’d taken the time at home to translate the message back into its original wording, but still included her original transcription for the sake of completeness. Dripping along the hallway, Myra shoved the envelope through the mail slot with slight difficulty, due to the recorder, and then turned, leaving to find a dry janitor’s closet to PINpoint home.

100 prompts, 80s, shadow, short, writing

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