The New World - Part 1

Jun 20, 2009 19:59

((This is the beginning to a story that is currently in progress. I don't have any sort of set update schedule for this, so it will be posted as it goes along.

As a note: With all the changes that Myra has been helping to bring about in the world, I think I'm going to try my hand and bring her in a new direction, since her own world history will eventually be deviating from that of the standard accepted American/World history. I hope I don't end up ret-conning this, because the idea interests me, but it will drastically change the way her history develops.))

The New World - Part 1

Burbank had given her instructions and she’d quickly followed them to the letter, as she knew only through the tone of his voice that time was of the essence. Harry Vincent had shown up at her apartment bearing yet another envelope, except this one was addressed to Myra’s supervisor in the Bureau, and she felt certain that the ink in this message would not fade.

She was nervous as she traced her way through the halls and cubicles, quickly walking up to the frosty glass door and rapping gently. She heard only muffled sounds of speaking and then the door opened. Stepping in, she found her boss holding the door for her with a frown.

“Reldon. You’re late.”

“Sorry sir.”

“Your excuse this time?” He quirked an eyebrow in irritation as she held out the small envelope to him and he snatched it viciously out of her hand, drawing a small red line in two of her fingertips. “If this is what I think it is…” He snarled and motioned for her to sit down. He nearly tore the envelope to shreds and he read it silently, his back to Myra so she could not read his moving lips. When he turned around again, his face had turned bright red.

“Sir?” She wasn’t cowed, but whatever The Shadow had written, had made her boss more furious than she’d ever seen.

“Who exactly is your employer Reldon? Us or him?” He waggled the letter in her face. “In the last month, you’ve worked more cases for The Shadow and on top of that, you keep disappearing without a trace! I have reports here that you couldn’t be found for almost a week and then you continue to have days where it’s the same story. Off the face of the earth for some godforsaken mission that for all we know, is helping the enemy!” Myra gaped at the accusations launched at her. For the first time in her career, someone was actually accusing her of treason.

“Sir I…” Myra started to stand up, to defend herself.

“SIT DOWN RELDON.” He bellowed at her and she found herself back in her seat. “He thinks you’re his little errand girl. If you keep this up, I’m going to put you under 24-hour surveillance so you can’t breathe without someone knowing it. You have cases piling up that need to be started, and if you so much as walk out of that door without my permission, I’ll have your badge stripped, and you’ll go to Alcatraz under suspicion of treason, if that’s what it takes.” Myra stared, wide-eyed at the fuming bureaucrat before her and wondered one thing.

Did the other Myra ever have this happen? She blinked and then very purposely stood from her chair without any malice or threats and looked at her boss.

“Sir.” Without another word, she turned on her heel, her heart beating wildly in her chest as she walked to the door and grabbed the knob.

“Reldon, stop.” His voice was quiet and cold as she heard a chilling sound of a revolver hammer being cocked. “You’re a good agent, we can’t afford to lose you, but you’re making some very poor choices right now.” She turned and looked at him, her eyes void of fear. He lowered the muzzle of his revolver slightly. “You have ten seconds after you give me your badge.”


Myra watched over her shoulder dejectedly as she ducked into an alley. She was definitely being tracked, and even though it was only a few ounces, her purse felt light without her badge. She was officially listed as a traitor to her country and she took a breath, stifling a tear that threatened to blur her vision. She couldn’t work for both Shadows and the Bureau, and she’d seen no other avenue than to make the choice.

Now she needed to lose her followers, and get to a phone she could safely call Burbank from. She had been ordered to call him after handing over the letter to her boss, but the new complications were making such a simple task difficult.

At last she ducked into a small restaurant on the very edge of the Chinese corridor. It was a horrible location to hide in, her specialty made that location obvious enough, but she also was the only agent with her level of expertise in the people, and the underground tunnels and passageways. The curio shop had a small payphone in the back, and after making sure no one else had come in after her, she rang up Burbank.



“Report.” His confirmation helped settle her nerves.

She quickly gave her location and the brief details of her situation. After a moment’s pause, instead of Burbank’s voice, she heard The Shadow’s.

“Report received. You will continue as planned. The Bureau may add a level of difficulty to the task, but you will do as follows.” He gave her a veritable laundry list of tasks, and Myra mentally logged each one. When he hung up, she reviewed the list and nodded with a sigh. Going to the back of the shop, she found a door and knocked. From behind it, a small, younger girl opened it with a smile.

“Hello.” She chirped and Myra tried her best smile at the greeting. The Shadow had found her choice of location to make the call much to his approval.

“My apologies.” Myra began in her best Chinese. “I come to you under the protection of Ying Ko. I require a place to hide for a short time.” At his name, she watched the girl’s eyes open wide before she quickly ushered Myra in, and down a flight of steps into the underground passages. Leading her for a short way, she instructed Myra into a small room.

“Ying Ko will be here shortly. He knows where you are.” She shut the door and Myra looked around the small room with only a cot to furnish it. Sitting on the edge of the creaky thing, she waited, watching the door nervously.

new world, writing

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