I know what I know / I am running out of excuses

Sep 26, 2009 08:58

jour 01 | une chanson
jour 02 | une image
jour 03 | un livre
jour 04 | un site
jour 05 | un vidéo youtube
jour 06 | une citation
jour 07 | n'importe quoi

Rien pour révolutionner vos passionnantes existences, mais Learn Something Every Day est mon nouveau site préféré. Il est tellement awesome que j'étais convaincue qu'une autre des quinze personnes en train de faire ce meme allait le mentionner, mais non! Je gagne! J'ai toujours beaucoup de plaisir à voir son titre en caps-lock popper dans mon Google Reader. J'aime comment ils illustrent les faits, c'est cute et enfantin! Un exemple:

Y'ont pas toujours de sources, vraiment. Alors je m'en fais pas trop si je retiens pas tout. Voilà, j'ai rien de plus à dire sur ce sujet. À part que j'aurais aussi pu parler de readernaut, parce que c'est cool! Je sais qu'il existe mille sites pour noter nos lectures (moi-même j'en utilise deux) mais celui-là est plus sexy? Et il permet de compter les pages. Moi je compte mes lectures en pages, faike ça me rend ben heureuse. (18 791 pages sur les 25 000 planifiées en 2009, what up!)

Also, here are some thoughts on Dollhouse, with SPOILERS for 1x12, 1x13 and 2x01. Man, what do you know, when you post every day, you're actually able to comment on time!

So: woAH, Dollhouse. All right, the only thing I really wanted to happen after the S1 finale was for the show to touch on the general Whiskey/Topherness and the "Why did you make me hate you?" thing in particular. Let's just say, THIS PREMIERE MADE ME VERY HAPPY ON THAT FRONT. Whiskey! In Topher's bed! The two of them exploring the fucked-upness of their relationship! Not knowing if he likes her or hates her or she does or what! And her not wanting to die- I hadn't even thought of that. Can I just say, I am very sad that Amy Acker is gone to bigger brighter shows for a while, because I could have taken that dynamic for eveeeer. (Though the Boyd stuff was kind of icky. He didn't like her when he didn't know she was a doll, and now he asks her out? It seemed out of character, since he's always talking about whether the dolls are real or what. Basically, I do not want them together. At all. Damn you and the future knowledge you gave me, Epitaph One!)

Apart from that, the Echo storyline was okay. She kicked ass, so that was good? I just don't really care about her, still. But Victor and Sierra held hands! (I missed them.) AND ALEXIS DENISOF WAS THERE! (For like three seconds. Still, Amy and Alexis in the same episode for a third show!) And DeWitt cut her hair. And I'll miss the old awesome credits - the new ones are like "hey, remember all those episodes you didn't really like last year? HERE THEY ARE!" Also, this show is still not as awesome as I know it can be. That preview for next week was ridonkulus.

Sur ce, je m'en vais à Chicoutimi voir mon frère et sa blonde et leur BB. Il fait des sourires maintenant! J'ai hâte!

meme, tv: dollhouse, tv

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