(no subject)

Sep 11, 2006 00:38

I dont feel liek writing this all over again, so I'll just slap this part of me and Emmy's Im in here.

The Toa of Duh says:
*head wall*
Emmy says:hi
The Toa of Duh says:Hi
Emmy says:how are you?
The Toa of Duh says:Pissed the fuck off.
Emmy says:whyso?
The Toa of Duh says:Breen
Emmy says:O.o
The Toa of Duh says:Okay so, last night, I'm at the football game and Mara and I are talking and I mention how I really haven't had any drama which is pretty cool, as my high school career was fucking full of it.
The Toa of Duh says:And then she says 'Yeah, but when you do it's going to have somehtign to do with Breen and Cameron.
The Toa of Duh says:And then today Cameron IM's me and says he has somehtign he needs to talk to me about, but cant say it over the internet, and wotn do it over the phone either, because it was big.
The Toa of Duh says:So I had to be ther for the read through anyhow, so I showed up a little bit early so I could talk to him and he tells me that he was talking to Breen last night cause they got their yearbooks in, and they were looking thorugh them.
The Toa of Duh says:And he says that Breen mentioned that a few months ago Breen had a thing for me. 
The Toa of Duh says:I wanted to punch a fucking wall.
The Toa of Duh says:He apparently like dme but didnt want to do anything about it because he didn't want to screw up the group. 
Emmy says: XD
The Toa of Duh says:And Cameron says that he doesnt know if that means Breen still likes me or what, but when I was with them tonight me and Breen were awfully flirty.
The Toa of Duh says:And I'm pissed.
The Toa of Duh says: Cameron kept giving us these "Holy god why dont you go to your room and make out' looks.
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