It's Late

Oct 13, 2003 01:17

Oy, I've been working and working on my page - I'm fairly satisfied with it now...FOR now. Haha. I'll have to wait to see what others think. (:
Well, it's now a ridiculus amount of time later, and I'm still not in bed. But I think I'm pretty much in love with everything about my journal.

I do NOT want to go to school tomorrow, I have too much fun with Auzelle to want to go to school. Biology is shit, I'm not learning anything - really, I know about DNA, I know about cells. Oh well, if I did my homework I'd be doing well. If I went to class I'd be doing well. Haha.

Auzelle and I did a lot of driving this weekend, it was nice. Gas is so high, but it doesn't matter, because what else would we do? For cheaper I might add. The Gap Outlet kinda sucks...that's where we drove to look at pants, and they only had one pair of semi-dark jeans, which is boring.

Best Half Birthday Ever (Bragging, haha):

1.Gap Socks

2.Gift Card to Hollywood

3.Nordstrom's Sweater (La Pièce de la Résistance!)

4.Applebee's balloon (purple AND green)
6.Doorknob thingy

and lots of pretty wrapping!

It's SO much more than I would ever have expected! Thank you Auzelle and Chloe - SO much! :-D

I think I've thoroughly spent WAY too much time on this tonight and showing off on my hella tight livejournal, so I'm off to bed, and will do my homework at lunch or something...:-\

Love, Jamie

photo update, photos, first post, birthday, brown hair

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