Ode to My Watercolour Internet Gallery, A Week's Work...

Apr 16, 2012 06:36

Title: Canis Major
Rating: N/A
Media used: Watercolours, 4x6in paper
Notes/comments: I asked escribo for prompts for painting, and one of three was "constellation". So, obviously I did Canis Major which features Sirius!! I used a tricky little technique for this where I put museum wax where the stars went on the paper, then painted the sky, then once dry I peeled off the museum wax revealing fresh paper!

"Canis Major"

Title: Leaving on a Jet Plane
Rating: N/A
Media used: Watercolours, 9x12in paper
Notes/comments: This is the only bigger paintings of this post. It's the main prompt-fill from escribo. She asked for "something from one of my favorite songs at the mo' Peter, Paul, and Mary's Leaving on a Jet Plane (a taxi in the rain? the dawn is breaking, it's early morn, the taxis waiting, he's blowing his horn)." So, I've made an interesting interpretation, as I grew up LOVING the John Denver version.

"Leaving on a Jet Plane"

Title: Home
Rating: N/A
Media used: Watercolours, 4x6in paper
Notes/comments: This I just painted it, just cuz. It's of the side of my house. As I was painting, I decided to give it to my mom. But when I finished it, she was asleep so I had to wait, but in the meantime I showed it to my dad, and he FLIPPED over how much he loved it. But I'd already told my mom I was giving it to her! D: So, I followed through and gave it to her. And now it's obvious she doesn't like it, but won't flat-out say so, it's the way she says things. But my dad honestly wants it and loves it. So, now I'm on a mission to make him something as good, but I've failed twice now. BUT ANYWAY, THE PAINTING IN QUESTION:


Reference photo ( from this post)

Title: Home Pt.2
Rating: N/A
Media used: Watercolours, 4x6in paper
Notes/comments: This is my 2nd attempt to paint something as good for my dad, this is the view I have right now, in the living room, and this is the our "Display Window" that face out the front of the house. I was taking my mom's advice to try drawing from real life, so while I took a photo, I never looked at it since it's my view from where I was painting. :D But it's where my dad sits, and he saw it and didn't flip out, and it probably would just remind him of watching movies... I don't like it much either. It's pointless. lol, bet you can't wait to see it!

"Home Pt. 2"

Just-in-case Reference photo

Title: Space Shuttle
Rating: N/A
Media used: Watercolours, 4x6in paper
Notes/comments: amuly requested "Space Shuttle" (amongst other things). So, funny little story - that I may have already told you - in 1988, when I was just learning to talk, and one day I started obviously requesting something of my mom by pointing at the window and crying "BAY SHUDDO". And my mom had no clue what it could be (I once called the Grinch, "Whemph"), and so this went on for a few days me getting more and more frustrated with my mother. "MUMMY! BAY SHUDDOH, BAY SHUDDOH!" Until finally one night on the television, the news showed footage of the Discovery Space Shuttle and I jumped up and pointed again, "Mummy! Bay shuddo!"

"Space Shuttle"

Title: Riverside
Rating: N/A
Media used: Watercolours, 4x6in paper
Notes/comments: This is very loosely based on a prompt from amuly, who requested "The Moon", but also said she likes nighttime cityscapes.


Love, Jamie xx

All art posted here at mypretty_art, and however belatedly at My Website & DeviantArt.

watercolour, art, colour, illustration, painting

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