So what*s new?

Apr 10, 2003 19:08

What*s new with me? I thought hard about that one a few days ago, brother 337. "Am I getting out more? Am I doing any better in good ol' Hayden Lake, Idaho? Is anything in my same ol' life, going anywhere?" I thought to myself. And to my surprise, yeah there are lots of things going on in my life! Going in the direction of up that is :)

Well first off, this has been Puppy Frog*s week :). He learned how to sit up on his own, and the next day, balance himself on his hands and knees, and is now mobile! He kinda squats like a frog and scoots/commandoe crawls to whatever he sets his mind upon teething on... :) Which is daddy*s new djemebe or exposed telephone wires. Chloe, Darlene, and Chris, friends of ours came over again last night, and Koyote picked up a few more things from Chloe--After they left at 4 in the morning, he pulled himself to a standing position in his crib, and then said *BOO-GAH* after Chris called Chloe that. lol :) So now he can say *HEY! YEAH! BOOB! BOO-GAH! and HI!* I know we have heard him say Mama, Daaaaaadah, and Huuuuurrrt (for Uncle Kurt); I just think he*s hiding his ability to say it. :p lol

Leo got pulled over again last night, :( *sighs*. I felt so bad for him, he looked paler than a sheet when he walked into the door, and that*s more fines for us to pay. I was talking to Trout last night, and for some strange reason knew Leo was going to get pulled over; that*s happened a few other times when I*ve just *KNOWN* but I*ve been hard on myself and dismissed it as an accidental feeling. For now on I*m going to trust my mommy instinct, and go for it. :( So yeah, I felt bad because I*ve gone too long on learning how to drive, making excuses, letting the fear overcome me. Well, I*ve got a book, I*ve passed the written test before, and it*s easy as pie. I have a person I can depend on to teach me how to drive, and so give me the weekend, and on Monday I*ll have my learners permit. :] It*s on my mommy*s list to do!

I have found myself growing stronger on the inside, a lot of my confusions about my family have been slowly rising to the surface, and I can see them, and understand where everything went wrong... And I am not so angry at my parents anymore. Well for now at least, I am just going to have to remind myself the next time I talk to them, to let it go through one ear and out the other. I figured out that my parents put FEAR into me and my sisters especially, because that*s the way they were raised up! Not saying it*s right, but they don*t know any better. So my parents feared me getting into drugs or getting into trouble so they made me scared shitless to upset them or to go behind their backs--Which is crappy, I*m not one for scare tactics, that is how our country is set up unfortunately. To keep us in line and to keep us obedient--My gosh, I can*t begin to describe all of the things I have learned from reading--One past time that I had truly forgotten. Right now I am bouncing between Illusions, The Te of Piglet, and the writing of Starhawk; and I find myself weeping for the world, seeing all the pain my brothers and sisters are encompassed in and at the same time I feel myself growing stronger. :P And alas, I must finish this later, for the Pupster has risen from the crib! To be continued...
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