Feb 22, 2003 18:04
So we*re cancelling AOL tonight. Once I find that number.
I*m just sitting here, bored, watching the news.
Koyote is on the bean bag.
I don*t understand why I got so angry and I wanted to lash out at whoever the fuck it was that responded to my post "And, what does this have to do with Interracial? Seems to me that this is off topic." Or whatever the heck she said :p Something along those lines.
She isn*t a moderator or anything.. She*s just there.
Leo put it best, some people need their little mole hills to stand up on, and to make themselves feel better.
I feel sad for her, that her little mole hill is on some forum, on the internet, with 24924783 people she*ll never meet. Why am I going off on this? A little piece of me, wanted to take her ignorance and turn it sideways and shove it up her left Nostril.--Pick her apart, mince her up, and throw her in my wok: Dumb-ass # 4938457 polluting taking up valulable oxygen and valuable space on earth. Inform her how ignorant she is and proceed to gut her from the inside out--but THEN! I realized, how much of an Ego trip I was getting into through my fury that some, random person 24747 miles away from me provoked.
And yes I*ve spent a total of 2 minutes going on about her--Now I realize she is not worth my time nor my energy really. Yet I*m sitting here sending out positive energy to her.
And so I re-evaluated my thoughts and then just simply put into my reply *Have I proved my thoughts to be worthy of being topic related now?* Still very egocentric, but hey--It*s a lot better than getting myself into a flame war! Which I am sooOOOOoo over with.
In my yearning for wanting people to connect with and joining a few communities, I was completely oblivious that I was voluntarily involving myself with institutions at the same time. I like the interracial forum though, I enjoy Marxis comments, I enjoy coming across people getting out of those damn boxes--Yet people like Uhawerlj whatever the fuck her name is, are the one*s putting the social hierarchies into the mixes and whatever bullshit you have to deal with when you get into a big group of people with rules. That*s why I dropped out of the Alpha Delta Pi, that*s why I dropped out of Cool Mommies, Blah! *sighs* There's really no point of asking *Why do people do that sort of crap?*; because I already know the answer, and the solution to the problem. I guess one question I have is, when will we just *BE* damnit? And that*ll happen when it happens, when everybody is spirtually *there*. K, one day that*ll happen. :P My love*s still going out to that though, and I*m going to have faith... no matter how long it takes...
bah my dad just left a message, i guess i should call him back
Take care everyone!