Mar 27, 2004 00:01
OK, the big term paper for my english class is due right after the weekend, which means that I need to do a lot more hardcore work on it. Well, that doesnt seem to be happening at least tonight. The fucking roomie has been with his gf in the room for the past 3 days. I've been nice during the week and letting them have some privacy, but now that my term paper is due soon, I really need to just stop giving a fuck about that and just be in there anyways. Esp since all the fuck their doing is just laying in bed with each other. That pussy probably couldnt get it up to save his life. I thought that they would at least leave after a while, since they've been in there for at least 7 hours today already. I guess I was wrong, so I'm getting fuck all done in a friends room. Considering how fucking rude he is, I dont see why I care about him being in there with some high school chick anyways. Its not like he takes real classes, since he's only a sophmore (I'm not even sure about that, he might be a freshman). I'm halfway temped to just rat him out after visiting hours. I'm keeping that option open. Some might say, why dont you just go in there anyways and just not give a fuck. Well, I'm probably way to conciderate. Plus, I was hoping that they would just leave and then I could bust my ass and get shit done afterwards. Saturday and Sunday is deffinatlty gonna be a different story. I REALLY REALLY hope that he isnt going to be here during spring break like I am. I need to get so much done during that week, or at at least get the ball rolling quite a ways. Paper on the new political science, Soviet Union/Russian Foreign Policy with China, Content analysis of Mao's speeches, all of that needs to get started during that week. I hope I can at least get one of those papers mostly written if I'm lucky.
Also, I got into a lil arguement about the whole Iraq thing with an Arab friend of mine. I wish I had saved the convorsation so I could cut and paste what she said, then I could take her case point by point on here, but oh well. Basically, after beating around the bush for a bit, her arguement was as follows: "The invasion of Iraq was an insult on the pride of Arab people. It was better the way it was before and now Arabs have no pride." That just drives me out of my fucking mind. What pride can a demoralized people have to begin with? The pride that a knock in the middle of the night might lead them to being eaten by lions for Uday and Qusay's entertainment? The pride that they're one of the few countries that can claim that they're the official playpin of a meglomaniac? The pride that they've been dragged into 2 wars (pre Iraq war 2) in a short span, lost both and got the fuck knocked out of them? The pride that Saddam's wars has probably chewed up a good portion of the generation the country will have to rely on? I could go on and on about shit like about how their country was divided, Saddam slaughtering his own citizens. I really have a hard time believing there is any pride in that. I also refuse to believe that the Iraqis had pride that their neighbor's couldnt get a fuck about them other than to get their oil from back door channels. Thats probably the worst thing about the whole situation. The girl and the whole pan arab nation, could careless. If they're not willing to look out for their brothers and sisters, why the hell should anyone care to begin with. How can people just not care, turn their backs and do nothing? I wish I knew. The one thing I'm glad about with the war is that the Iraqi people actually have a real chance to rebuild their country to greatness. They'll have a real chance for a great society, not just one thats filled with aristocracy and oil tycoons running around in BMWs, drinking, and fucking their brains out. A real society with real freedoms, where people can actually just be normal. Modernization of ideas, not just technology, will catapult this. Hopefully after everything is done, Iraq will actually be able to be able to show the Middle East the future. The one reason why this will happen is because, even if all the other Arabs dont care about them, they at least seem to care about themselves. I hope they do anyways.