Picspam: My top 5 Sylar/Claire scenes from Volume 3.

Apr 08, 2009 23:09

So sorry f-list for all these picspams. I'm guess I'm inspired. And I wanted to do something with these two since they're like my OTP in the show, and I guess that doesn't say something good about me, eh? But you gotta admit, they have a connection, he's obsessed with her, and I love that they're different, yet they relate to each other (Heck, he relates more to her than to Elle.), and they're pretty... and both inmortal, so screw it, I ship them. Here's my top 5 scenes from Volume 3 (I wanted to include more but oh well...)

5. "We're more alike than any of them" - (3x13 - Dual).

Sylar: And Claire... You and I, we're more alike than any of them. We can't be damaged. I mean... Except for a broken heart. And that's what parents give us, isn't it?
Claire: We're nothing alike, you sick bastard!
Sylar: I'm going to enjoy proving to you just how wrong you are.

4. "Hello Claire" - (3x01 - The Second Coming).

Sylar: Hello, Claire.

Sylar: I bet you been wondering where I've been since you saw me last, huh? Let's just say I took a little... Detour from my career path. Spent a little time south of the border but... It's all behind me now, like a long night after a bad taco.
Claire: No. I saw Hiro Nakamura kill you. I was there.
Sylar: And yet here I am, fully recovered. Well, not fully. That's actually why I've come. Claire: What do you want from me?
Sylar: Same thing I did last time I came for you. I want what you have, Claire. I want your power. Claire hits him with a trophy.

3. "And I never meant for you..." - (3x05 - Angels & Monsters).

Claire: Who are you to talk? Bringing him here? Tell me you're not working with him after what he did to me.
Sylar: Claire, you hate me. I understand. When I touched your hand, I could feel the pain that I caused you. And I never meant for you...
HRG: Shut your mouth now.You don't get to talk to her. Ever.

2. "You're different. Special." (3x01 - The Second Coming).

Claire: Wait. What about me? Aren't you going to kill me?
Sylar: Poor girl... There's so much about yourself you don't even understand. Your brain is not like the others, Claire. You are not like the others. You're different. You're special. And I couldn't kill you, even if I wanted to. You can never die. And now, I guess, neither can I.

1. "Are you ok?" (3x05 - Angels & Monsters).

Sylar: Are you ok?
Claire: Peachy.

claire, heroes, picspam, sylaire, sylar

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