Dec 14, 2008 01:38
Season's Greetings!
Got home today after a long week of work and moodiness. The last half of the semester was ridiculous. And I'm glad its over.
Not sure how my grades are going to be this semester. I don't think that I did very well, which worries me. But to be honest, I wasn't as focused as I should have been. I let my personal life and issues affect everything that I did. Can't really change it now, I just have to keep working.
Now that the year is ending, I can hopefully start over. I mean really over, not just a New Year's resolution. 2007...not a great year, but I could deal with it for the most part. 2008- I wish I could press a reset button to first semester last year just before I came home. Knowing that I can't its just a matter of "getting over things".
Its weird, I think I've cried more this semester than I have in over a year. Its sickening what sets me to tears now. Like when my dad drove me to work this afternoon.
ok I think its better that I stop now.
Tomorrow is another day.