Working On A New FanFic Story

Sep 07, 2009 15:42

So, I'm really into True Blood and I'm making a Buffy/True Blood crossover. It's going to be Eric/Buffy centric with a little bit of Angel thrown in. I've made, like, five graphics for the story and I can't decide which one I like the best. I posted a poll on my website to allow people to choose for me. If you want to vote, CLICK HERE!! It's all the way at the bottom of the page. I really can't decide, but I think I like that very last one.
There's also more graphics that I've uploaded onto my site, too. I redid the Charmed Slayer graphic. I felt like that first one was crap. It didn't look real or like a family at all. I like this second one much better. CHECK IT OUT!!

On a personal note, I'm finally starting to get over that stinking 2nd degree sunburn. I look like a moulting lizard, but at least it doesn't hurt anymore. I can't wait for next month. I'm driving back to my hometown (12 hrs away from here) by myself. I gotta figure out how to entertain myself for that long! I've got the Twilight books on CD, so that should take a good while, but my mom wants them, so I may not have all of them to keep me company. My friend Ashley and my dad and I are also going to Branson, MO to check out the Titanic museum there. I'm SOOO excited about that. I'll have LOTS and LOTS of pictures to show from that trip since I got this cool new camera that actually takes pictures worth looking at. Yay!
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