Fucking PMS

Oct 21, 2006 19:48

Ok, I'm having a bitchy PMS day and I just want to vent a little. My life's pretty decent at the moment. I've got a great guy that I've fallen in love with in less than a month of dating and I only knew him a week before that. But he's been driving me nuts for the last couple of days. I'm blaming it on PMS, but I don't know.

He's had black hair since I met him, but his natural color is bright blonde. I mentioned that I'd like to at least see him as a blonde, but I never said I wanted him to dye his hair. That was his call. He said that he was tired of constantly dying it. But now he's been saying he dyed it because of me. That I wanted to see it and he'd much rather have it black. I told him yesterday that I couldn't see him as a blonde and I didn't really want him to dye it if he didn't want to. He said he didn't want to and yet, he'd dyed the shit blonde and STILL blaming it on me.

So, tonight, when he calls me, I can't help but be bitchy and that pissed him off. Or at least I think it did. I can never tell. So to shut him up, I told him I was watching Lord of the Rings (which is true) and I don't like to be bothered while I'm watching Legolas looking all hawt running around in his leggings.

And what is it with men being jealous of famous people or fictional characters when they're girlfriend says they think they're hot or cool or whatever. It's retarded!! He knew getting into this relationship that I have a healthy obsession with Ville Valo, HIM, Lord of the Rings, and Orlando Bloom. But for crap's sake, I've said I love you and that I'm not going to leave him or cheat on him or do anything that any of his other girlfriends have done to him. I'm not that kinda girl. When I say I love you, I mean it. When I say I won't hurt you, I mean it and if I do, I don't mean to. When I get into a relationship, I get into it and work at it.

I've had exactly one serious boyfriend in my entire life and it lasted 5 years. I ended it three years ago and haven't been in a relationship since because I want love, not just lust. I want to settle down. I don't want to be some wild party girl. It doesn't appeal to me. (Even though I like to dance and have fun with my friends, I don't get smashed and go crazy and stay out all night or all weekend as some people are known to.) I want to settle down and be a wife and then a mother. Maybe it's because my mother did all of that and then spent all her time working and not really being there most of my life and my father.... that's a whole different blog. I like taking care of my friends and I like taking care of kids and I like being at home curled up with a good book (sometimes even a good cookbook) or watching a good movie or baking! Yes, I love baking! I make a killer loaf of Finnish Bread! (Hmm, I wonder where I got the idea to make that from....? But that shit's good though!) I can't even decide on a career because I keep going back to the one "career" that would make me happiest. I want is to be a housewife.

Wow, random tirade. I wanted to just bitch about my boyfriend pissing me off while I'm PMSing and I end up delving into deeper issues. *shrug* Oh well. I'm tired and my brain tends to wander when I'm tired. I'm going to bed!
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