Olympus Aftermath: a little too much fun?

Oct 18, 2008 05:18

(ooc: occurs the morning after this)

Radek woke up with the worst headache he'd had in recent history. After Colonel Sheppard's bar-opening party, he had managed to make it back to his quarters, take off his glasses, knock off his shoes, find his bed and immediately pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow, lights still on in his quarters. Now he was suffering the consequences of an alcohol-filled night.

Rodney would not be thrilled to find out he had shirked his duties--no wait, he had a fuzzy memory of telling him he wouldn't be relieving the two scientists left in the lab last night. Rodney was probably already completely unimpressed that Radek had managed to get drunk in the first place. He had only intended to spend no more than two hours at Olympus Bar.

As he sat up to move to the bathroom to clean up, Radek's headache got worse, and he closed his eyes automatically, wishing he had the ATA gene so he could dim the lights with a passing thought. He stood up and padded around his quarters automatically on his way, knowing where to go even with his eyes closed. Some days nearsightedness had its advantages.

Funny, his khaki pants felt a little loose. They'd fit fine last night or so he thought. He caught the clothing before it would fall down around his ankles and trip him. Boy did he feel like crap.

His hands fumbled in front of the bathroom sink's motion activation mechanism and he splashed cold water on his face, not even bothering to turn on the lights.

Wait. His hands were softer, and he didn't feel an overnight's growth worth of stubble on his face. That didn't make sense. He waved a hand in front of the light switch, opened his eyes, and was greeted by an unfamiliar face in the mirror.

He was a woman!

/"Oh, shit. It's happening to me!"/

He couldn't comm anybody, likely no one would recognize his--no--her voice, he had to get down to the lab where the equipment was that had changed Keller and Ronon back to their normal selves. That was at least three buildings away from his quarters.

He ran to his quarters' door. As he was bound to run into people, he didn't pull on his expedition jacket like he wanted to do to cover up the fact he wasn't really himself. He peeked around the edge of the door, watching the corridor for any passersby before attempting to leave his room. Hopefully he could get to the research, do what Rodney had managed for Keller and Ronon, and be back in time to shower, change, and start his shift in the lab with no one the wiser.

v: citrus-free

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