ooc: fair warning

Oct 07, 2008 02:35

I'm letting Radek's insomniac nature get the better of me today and posting this while I'm coherent enough (ironically at 2:30 in the morning. I should get a job that reflects my nightowl nature, but wait, I already work in a theatre. that is related to this post but anyhow...) to let you know what's going on this weekend and why I might not be around for 3 days starting Friday.

I'll probably be very busy Friday through Sunday due to being a door monkey at my theatre. Our city's symphony (yes, our podunk town has a symphony orchestra, whod'a thunk it) has concerts on Saturday and Sunday, and I have to (yes, seriously, folks) open the sound-shell door for the conductor to walk on and off stage between acts.

:P Glamorous. But necessary.

I might play here when I get home from these work days, but I can't guarantee I will because I'm relatively certain I need to sleep so I can be on top of my game for Sat & Sun. Trust me there's more to it than opening and closing the dang door, we have to set up and take down chairs & music stands, move the sound shells ( *D:* !!!), and just generally be super-stealthy ninjas stagehands backstage during the concerts.

*time elapses* oh look at that I just briefly fell asleep...yay, 3:30 am...

I might be back on Sunday night, but I bet I'll be worn from the whole experience (this symphony does it almost every time!) and dealing with the Pompous Ass conductor for three days. So, wish me luck. I may need it.

One last thing: Just for fun, if you'd like to add audience participation to this ooc post (meta? cool with it too), please respond with either "pink" or "purple". I'm counting mun answers as well as pup... Might tell you the significance of the colors later, might not.... *cheesy grin*

rl: work, ooc, v: meta, rl: sucks

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