OOC: Wind Chill Factor--FREEZING....

Dec 15, 2008 22:46

A day or two later, and it's SNOW  AND ICE!

oh, and, Z has been tsking me for jumping the gun on saying I'd be out of commission, making it out worse than it was,(really shook his head disapprovingly at me for acting a bit like Rodney) --a simple system restore fixed the webpage loading problem. I have yet to test whether it fixed the printer's communication problem (but that's not important to you, is it? Didnt' think so!)

It's the end of Monday already and my work schedule has changed four times in the last 24 hours due to the snow. Now instead of having Wednesday off, I'm working through friday. I work in a school district theatre (union! for now...) and so the inclement weather (you guessed it, snow and freezing windgusts) has made the district run their school schedules 2 hours late.  SO. late mornings if at all, yay!  Great thing for me because  since I woke up at zero dark thirty this morning expecting to go in at 7 on icy roads and ended going in at 9, now I KNOW what is wrong with my car's heater, and know what I want to do to fix it. (yes spent an hour outside in the cold dismantling my car. No I'm not doing it again unless it permanently fixes the problem!--or is Spring/Summer.)

SO. I should be back to (relatively) normal by the end of the week. Tagging right on time, and hopefully back to Z and Chuck and Katies' normal selves. drop me a line by IM (IC or OOC) for whatever reason, I'm a friendly sort! :D

Okay, now that I'm done giving you too much information, I'm gonna go read what I missed out on in RP land and be a good tagger. :D


PS: Wooo! Weather Underground for my area has a high of 31 degrees for Wednesday, and getting colder after that. Well shit, I'm gonna need to get actual winter boots now. Glad I'm not working until 3:30 pm tomorrow? maybe.

rl: work, ooc, rl: technical difficulties, rl: sucks

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