Oct 10, 2005 20:26
Time started: 7:27
Name: Sean
Nickname: Seany, Seanbo, Seaninator, Seancore
Sex: Male
Birthday: November 21, 1989
Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: full sister Tara, nineteen; half sister Jennifer, twenty-four
eye color: brown
Shoe size: 10
Height: 5’6-8”
What are you wearing right now: an awful lot of sex. also, jeans and a brown shirt
Where do you live: North Richland Hills, Texas
Relationships: Ehh.
Fingers: The... usual amount.
Breakfast this morning: Too rushed
Can You Drive: Funny you ask. Not legally
Favorite cartoon character: Cosmo from Fairly OddParents. I really liked Dory from Finding Nemo, too, but I’m not sure if she counts
---Have you ever----
Given anyone a bath: No...
Do you smoke: Eehn.
Bungee Jumped: I want to someday, it’s fun if you don’t make the cord too long
Parasailed: I... am not even sure what that is
Made yourself throw-up: Probably, to skip school when I was little, but I’ve never liked to throw up
Gone skinny dipping: No!
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Nope
Eaten a dog biscuit: Yes.
Got your tongue stuck to a pole: No sir
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No.
Played truth or dare: Yes, except that I didn’t do any of the truths and dares I didn’t like
Been in a physical fight: I’m small and white
Been in a police car: Uh-uh
Been in a sauna: Nope
Been in a hot tub: Yes! So sexy
Swam in the ocean: Yeah, I got dragged under once, it was really scary, there’s that whole not-breathing thing, too
Fallen asleep in school: Half-way place, where teachers start to say funny things
Ran away?: I did when I was six which basically amounted to me sitting on the curb of my front house and crying a lot
Broken someone's heart?: Probably not
Cried when someone you love died: No
Flashed someone: Of course not!
Cried in school: Nah
Fell off your chair: Ohhhh yeah.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: ‘Cause I’m pathetic
Saved MSN / YAHOO / AOL / AIM conversations: If I want to post them later or if they have to do with a certain werewolf
Fallen for your best friend: There was one of those really silly little crush-things that usually suck a lot of balls and never really go anywhere
Been Cheated On?: Definitely not
----First thing that comes to mind----
Red: Blood
Blue: Dusk
Autumn: Sex
Cow: cow-tipping
Green: “the grass is always greener on the other side...”
Cat: Cassie!
Nickel: -back
Elbow: ouch
------What is -----?
Your good luck charm: Don’t really have one
Whats your room like: Messy and cold and smells like popcorn
Last thing you said: “why am I hugging you?”
What is beside you: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, some really crappy candles, and God
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Garnier Fructis
Had Chicken pox: Nope!
Had a Sore Throat: Well yeah.
Believe in love at first sight?: Well, I don’t know. Try me later
Like picnics: When they’re with close friends and the air is cool
What schools?: Bell Manor, Keller Middle, Keller High
Loved anyone whos not family: Two very close friends
-----------Would you-----------
Would you eat a live hamster?: Only if its name was Pokey.
Go to a Hanson concert: Only if their names were Pokey.
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion bucks: Only if I didn’t have my soul.
If you were stuck on an island, what person would you want with you: Erm, probably Jess
----------Who Was the last person---------
you touched: Tara
You massaged: No one?
You yelled at: I don’t yell, I glare and go “hmph.”
--------Do you/Are You--------
Do you like filling these out: Sometimes
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I might have to wear a monocle some day
Do you like yourself:
Do you get along with your family?: Yes
Do you do drugs: Nope
Have piercing below the waist?: Why? What the hell is the point of a piercing?
Obsessive?: Definitely
Anorexic?: No...
Depressed?: Eehn.
Suicidal?: Certainly not
------Final questions------
What are you listening to right now?: Switchfoot, “Love is the Movement”
Can you do a front or back flip?: You think I can’t fly? Well you just watch me, watch me
What did you do yesterday?: Eat IHOP with the Mominator
Got any awards: In elementary school, for showing up
Have you ever gone streaking?: Definitely not.
Want to get married?: Maybe someday
What is your favorite video game: Super Mario Sunshine or any Grand Theft Auto incarnation. And all the Spyros, except the new one (that one’s horrible.)
Good Singer: I’m not. But my favorite singers are Corey Taylor, Enya, and Amanda Palmer
Have a lava lamp: no.
How many remote controls are in your house: Two, and other assorted ones which don’t work
Are you double jointed: Nope
What do you dream about: My stepmother, my friends, school, sex, many many dead kittens
Last time you showered: Ten o’clock last night
Scary or happy movies: Favorite thriller = Joy Ride. Favorite happy movie = Beauty and the Beast
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Neither, I’m a Pepsi man myself
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Guacamole wrestling. In my pants.
Silver or Gold: Silver and Cold
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise
Phone or in person: AIM preferably or e-mail. You say impersonal, I say tomato
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest... again.
ending time: 7:48, Jesus, did this seriously take me twenty minutes?