Saturday, June 25, 2005

Jun 25, 2005 14:56

Yesterday was pretty busy, although I wasn't expecting it to be. I woke up around 7, and did some fishing until 11, when my stepmother said that my father told HER, not me, that I was supposed to water the grass, "the way he taught me to". So I started watering the lawn - when I got a call from Chris, an old friend of mine who lives across the street. He asked me if I was going to Caroline's graduation party. Of course, I wasn't invited formally, so I had no clue it was going on - they haven't exactly stayed in touch, though I can't blame them really. :| But he offered me a ride, so I went with him. Devon, Marley, Gullek, Jessie, Jessica, Caroline, and Lindsay were all there. It was a pool party, and even though I hadn't planned on swimming, Gullek and I ended up ripping off our shirts and jumping in, me first, into the shallow end. :roll: We hung out in the pool for a while, and then played Wiffleball. I had a slow start, but Devon and I eventually annihilated Jesse and Gullek to the point where they forfeited. Chris and I left around 4:30, when I went to my mother's for my usual babysitting session. I got back around 7, and watered the lawn until 8, with a hose - gee, didn't they invent sprinklers for that? - and then watched Hitch.

Today I mailed out a card to my grandfather, and bought a card for the graduation party for José, my godmother's stepson, in only a few minutes, which was quite the hike. I've been fishing rampantly in the dire hope that somehow I'll make it into the Top 10, and now I have to go to the party.

But there'll be drama galore. They sent my mother and I seperate invitations, because she figured it'd be nice to send me one of my own since I'm nearly an adult. However, even though we'd usually go together to this sort of thing, my mother hasn't said ONE WORD about the damn party. And you know what, I'm pretty damn sick of being the parent in this relationship. So instead of giving her the satisfaction of showing up at her house as if I'm supposed to assume what to do, I'm showing up alone. And I'm not staying long. Here comes the controversy...
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