Jul 17, 2004 04:11
I am not your trained entertainment. If I am standing on the side of a circle just grooving or dancing sporadically, there's a reason for it. There's a reason why I am not jumping in the middle to get down... I'm not feeling it. I do my best to not force myself to dance as entertainment for others but rather as entertainment for me. Oddly enough, I don't like circles. I like cyphers where people are dancing and playing off eachother. Don't be the one standing on the side telling me to dance so you can make some comment or whatever. Go in and dance. What? You're scared/shy/intimidated? Not feeling it? Don't want to be in the circle? Good, now you're starting to get it.
I went to the opening of Millenium Park today. That park is just astounding. The main lawn/concert area is breathtaking. I urge you to take a trip.
Derrick Carter and Steve Hurley played on one of the stages. Very good house music and funk, people were having a good time. I saw some old friends and made some new ones. We had a circle going and I danced early on... after that I wasn't feeling it. People... realize the first paragraph. Understand it. Learn from it. Good.
On a happier note, there were so many cute ladies around the circle and around the event in general. But we all know, I suck at talking to girls, so I just... didn't. Yes. Kyle and I both concluded that it's so much easier when a girl comes and talks to us. So much easier.
No more rant.
Wes Lee Snipes
Funky Discharge Consortium