i figured out how to make pictures have a glow effect. its pretty cool. the original instructions were from
nothingonmyback in her awesome community
_tehsexgraphics [hint]GOTHERE![/hint] but it was in psp8 language lol. and i have photoshop 7, so i played around with it a bit and figured out how to do it on the photoshop program :) soo. if you're interested in learning heres how to. uh dont mind these random tutorials i post. i just randomly like making them :)
G L O W I N G . E F F E C T
&mmk first of all choose your graphic. my example is amy lee.
&go to layers -> duplicate layer.
&a box should come up. click ok.
&go to filter -> blur -> gaussian blur.
&set the radius to your wanted ammount. 2.0 works best.
&go to your layers palette [usually in the right part of the screen] and in the drop down menu above the layers where it says 'normal' click the arrow and select overlay.
&then go to layer -> flatten image.
&and you're done :) you get a really great effect with darker pictures, but you get the point anyways.
man i was so bored.. im off to go watch chamber of secrets :D ♥ ♥
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