I won't let this build up inside of me...

Nov 10, 2004 17:20

Check out my new layout!!!

I don't feel well. =( I dunno why. I just feel sick. blech. I feel like curling up in bed for a few hours with my Mr. Pimp Chimp.

Heather Christine

p.s. Fill this out too!!!

1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Street you live on / Name of first pet ):
Ashleigh Jasper

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food / Grandfather's first name):
Skittle Bob

3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left / Favorite restaurant):
Autumn Polidoro

4. EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice / Last Foreign Vacation Spot):

5. SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname / Town Where You First Partied):
Chris Newark

6. "FLY Boy" ALIAS (a la J. Lo): (First Initial / First Two or Three Letters of your last):
H. Wi

7. ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight / Any Liquid in Your Kitchen):
Gummi Bear Koolaid

8. DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal / Where You Went to High School):
Kitten Middletown

9. BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate / Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink):
Popsicle Orange Twist

10. SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name / Street Where You First Lived):
Christine Duffrin

11. ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy / Last Name Of Favorite musician):
Skittles Manson

Yo peepz! Why do all my names all come out stupid?! lol. Okay everyone fill this out and post it as a comment to this plz!!!
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