Nov 07, 2004 20:50
plus and minus
my car finally working
giant headphones
my cell phone actually working in the country
feeling things about people after being dead inside for what seemed like forever
finally being able to wear the jackets that make me look awesome
finally having money to buy more awesome jackets
rekindling my creativity
being loaned the star wars trilogy on DVD. *yes, i'm a nerd. there i said it*
american splendor
futurama first season holy shit
that one perfect smile
nag champa
finishing a book and loving it so much i open it again and reread it
having to cancel my europe trip
my dad being in california
not having a license to drive my working car
my computer slowly but surely becoming obsolete
buying altoids citrus sours and opening them to find they're all stuck together
losing my pinback CD
missing whit's b-day party
GWB being our president some more
fucking elastic capos that don't work for shit
TV in general, aside from the simpsons and seinfeld
all you losers:-D