(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 16:21

A couple surveys, and a couple quizzes, cuz I'm bored as fuck.


Whats your full name: Jessica Ann Thrall
How old are you? 15
Are you mature? no
Describe yourself in 5 words: SARCASTIC, dependent, friendly, shy, obsessive
What are your worst qualities: I'm a bitch about 99% of the time
What are your best qualities: I don't judge people before I get to talk to them
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: 30 minutes
Hair Color? blonde
Eye Color? blue, green, gray, i dont know


Do you dream at night? sometimes
Do you remember your dreams? sometimes
Describe one: I had a dream Mark cheated on me with Ashley Schueren. My dreams are usually random and weird.
What time do you go to bed usually? 11
What time do you wake up normally? 7
What time do you wake on weekends? 9-12
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? annoying
Do you sleep with one pillow or two? 2


Did you like school? not anymore
Why/why not? its closing
Whats was ur fave subject? umm i dont know
Most hated subject? i dont care
Did you have a fave teacher? Mrs lassiter
Ever had a crush ona teacher? never
Were you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? math/science.
What's your school's mascot? a crusader
School color(s)? green and gold
What is your average?average what...


Do you have heaps of friends? yes unfortunatley
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? girls, sadly
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? yes. i get annoyed with some of my friends all the time and just dont say anything
Have you ever lied to a friend? yes
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? i dont think so


Do you like your parents? moreso my dad
Ever run away from home? i was a scared pussy, no
Ever thought about it? yes
Do you have any siblings? 1 and a half
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? my sisters annoying as fuck
How old are they? heathers 10, maryannes like idk 20 something. maybe 19
If not, do you mind being an only child?
Do you feel your parents spoil you? no
Do you get along with any of your family? i guess
You have big family get togethers ever? no


Ever had sex? yeah
Believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? i think people should do whatever they want to do. if you wanna wait go ahead, if not, thats okay too.
Believe in casual sex? not for myself. if it makes someone else happy, once again, do whatever you want
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? uh like two months ago or something like that i guess


Do you have a religion? i was baptized a catholic
Do you practice it i.e go to church? i have to in school
You believe in God? yes
Jesus? yes
Satan? no
Heaven? i dont know
Hell? i dont know
If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you? some people would cry, some people wouldnt care, and then id be forgotten as if i was never alive anyway

Have you ever been drunk? not in a long time
Taken drugs? yes
Stolen? yes
Shoplifted? yes
Tried to commit suicide? thought about it but no
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? everyone lies to everyone at least once
Gotten into a fight? yes
Are you more innocent or guilty? um, depends?
Would you date a drug addict? depends on what drug, i can deal with pot but i wouldnt want anything to do with someone who did hardcore drugs
Are you racist? sometimes
Are you discriminatory to anyone? people who are too much like myself
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? yes
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? open


Do you watch tons of tv? dude I like never watch tv
How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? once or twice
Do you listne to the radio often? not at all
Do you read the newspaper? no
Do you read magazines? when i poop
Are you a couch potato? im a computer chair potato
Do you use the internet too much? definately


Whats your fave style of music? oh man, are you kidding? i like it all. electronica, metal, screamo, emo, punk rock, industrial, everything else,
Do you play an instrument? i have a guitar that i dont know how to play
Do you sing? yes
Whats your fave band? right now, probably msi.
Why? they rock my cock hardcore, and dont really sound like anyone else
Name 3 cds that youve got in that last year: uhh i dont remember

What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show? 35
What is the least you've ever spent? 6
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny? yes, and i do it too.
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to? nope


Are you funny or serious? both
Creative or not? creative i geuss
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? logical
Are you outgoing or shy? shy
Are you lazy or active? LAZY
Have you ever been hyperactive? nah
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? nah

Are you happy with the way you look? no
What would you change? lose a ton of weight. get a smaller nose. get smaller boobs. get a flatter stomach, skinnier legs, lose my double chin, get a less huge forehead, less frizzy nasty hair, i could go on but i wont bother
Do you wear makeup regularly? yea
Do you have a large wardrobe? not really


Do you have a job? a summer one
Do you like it? yes
Are you a saver or a spender? spender
Do you work hard or slack off? slacker
Have you ever been fired? no
In trouble at work? no
Made a major mistake? uhh hasnt everyone?
Ever had money stolen from you? yea my mom steals my money a lot
Are you always broke? yeah

01. I have kissed someone of the same sex on the lips.
02. I see a therapist
03. I'm the oldest child.
04. I am drawn to things associated with sadness.
05. I have gauged ears.
06. I wear black eyeliner every day.
07. I am extremely influenced by kindness.
08. I love to write.
09. I can't live without lipgloss.
10. I'm probably emotionally scarred.
11. I lived in Tahoe.
12. I spend money I have.
13. I'll be in college for over 4 years.
14. I love designer handbags.
15. I've had a concussion before.
16. I'm not good with confrontation.
17. I loved the Backstreet Boys.
18. I have more than a couple horrible memories.
19. I'm addicted to Degrassi.
20. I've tried writing poetry before and failed.
21. My first kiss was unexpected.
22. I'm not a fan of rap.
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I don't like girls who are fake.
25. I can be mean when I want to.
26. I love AFI.
27. I have kissed someone who's name starts with a "B".
28. I have way too many pairs of shoes.
29. I was into Hot Wheels as a child.
30. I dress how I feel that day.
31. My room is painted a color other than white.
32. I cry very easily.
33. I'm always early.
34. I barely ever study for tests.
35. My birthday is my favorite holiday.
36. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
37. I am a morning person.
38. I wish I was smarter.
39. I believe that it is wrong to be gay.
40. I think that its perfectly okay to be gay.
41. No one REALLY knows me.
42. I don't have many bad hair days.
43. I fight with my parents.
44. I am passionate about my interests.
45. I have had the chicken pox.
46. I'm a hopeless romantic.
47. I feel empty sometimes but so does everyone.
48. I am/was most likely clinically depressed at a point in my life
49. I am no longer depressed.
50. I am very outgoing.
51. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
52. I can be very insecure.
53. I don't notice it, but I've been told I'm very softspoken.
54. I hate ignorant people.
45. I love the color yellow.
56. I love guys that play the guitar. hence mark lol
57. I state the obvious.
58. I'm a happy person.
59. I have absolutely no self-confidence.
60. I've contemplated suicide.
61. I hate cleaning my room.
62. I tend to get jealous.
63. I like to play video games.
64. I love John Mayer.
65. I get more upset when I see an animal hurt than a person.
66. I'm a vegetarian or a vegan. NO! I am really against vegans. I don't know if that's weird but I am really bothered by vegans.
67. I've had a crush on a teacher before.
68. I am too forgiving.
69. I bite my nails sometimes.
70. I have a good sense of direction.
71. I've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend before.
72. I've played a musical instrument for over 5 years.
73. I can function perfectly well without a girlfriend/boyfriend.
74. I love kisses on the forehead.
75. I love the color blue.
76. I don't sew.
77. I am not addicted to drugs.
78. I wear contacts.
79. I hate it when people say they hate Bush. I HATE when people say they dont!!!
80. I hate Bush.
81. I don't take criticism well.
82. Conformity is stupid.
83. Brandon Schlacht is one of the sexiest men alive.
84. So is Conor from Bright Eyes.
85. I love my family.
86. I don't mind getting shots. i seriously love getting shots
87. I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.
88. I always wanted to learn to play the drums. nothing could be more me. i have wanted to play the drums desperately since i was like 2.
89. I play the guitar. i have one!
90. I'm probably going to have premarital sex. i sorta already did
91. I have had Mono.
92. I am very religious.
93. I still act like a little kid. Look at me im peter pan, a little boy forever
94. I am ridiculously indecisive
95. I believe in a higher power or some form of an afterlife.
96. I love music.
97. I'm in love.
98. I have problems letting go of people.
99. Jesse Lacey writes some of the most amazing lyrics ever. NO! NO NO NO NO. I FUCKING HATE BRAND NEW. I HATE JESSE LACEY! HE CAN DIE. no no no no no no no his lyrics suck and i hope he chokes to death while crying and writing emo songs
100. I don't really like ice cream.
101. I have freckles.
102. My birthday is in December.
103. Brody Dalle is pretty. That's an understatement. She is a fucking goddess. I'd bang her in a second.
104. I like older guys. hence mark
105. I've gotten in numerous fights, and have won most of them.
106. I get bored very easily.
107. My parents are divorced.
108. I don't even know what my natural hair color is anymore.
109. I get really anxious in big crowds of unfamiliar people.

hug from behind - you like to feel what the other
person is feeling and see things how they see
them. you tend to be serious and emotional.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and
really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be
alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't
like to be around others and you'd rather be
away from here. You have a get away from me
look and others find you bitchy and
self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a
fair but that's ok because that's who you are.

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla

Well those were fun I guess. More fun then doing what I should be doing (homework).

Well my weekend was very good though. Mark spent the night friday and left at like 8 30 in the morning Saturday. AHH. And then I played the sims until 5 pm when I went to Jackie's. Spent the night there with her and Blythe. That was also good. I was happy to hang out with them since I haven't in forever. I used to like live at Jackie's house lol.

For some reason as soon as I got home I got pissed off as hell at like everything. But now I just feel like I hate everything and everyone, I sound like some kind of hardcore loser but oh well. I don't know how to explain it. I just feel contempt for everyone. I haven't felt like this in a while. It's at the most random time too, because I had a pretty good weekend and hung out with some of my favorite people, but now all of a sudden I just have a really strong urge to beat the shit out of everyone I see. I guess you could just say I'm aggravated. Woo, that's an el jay mood I can use. ha but yea. I don't know. I said I don't know like seven times already so I'm going to stop rambling about how I'm not happy. People are just dumb. That's all there is to it. Everyone, not anyone in particular.
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