Jan 26, 2010 00:17
She doesn't remember. Looking at me like she's never even seen me before.
Like I never existed to her at all.
I don't know what else to think. The darkness killed three big bugs in the room before I even realized anything else living was there. I'm tired, and I'm frustrated about all of it, and I just can't change myself. I can't control what comes out when I'm angry over her, or jealous. I can't get rid of it, because there's always more there than I think there is.
I can't stop from saying all the wrong things and I keep hurting people I say are my friends, I don't even know what feelings about her are really my own anymore. So I need to stay away from her, and not talk about how my own heart is. I can't make any more promises like that false one I promised to keep anyway.
...Marluxia was right. It was a foolish thing to do.
And so I've decided. I'm going to lock that part of my heart up, and seal it away for good. The part of me that wants her to think of me as special. It's for the best, for her and for me and everyone.
sealed away,
secrets and lies