Hmh. If it keeps coming in right on schedule like it's been, we might end up having that tower in close again, right around Halloween. You still think we should still keep making plans for having fun with it anyway, Naminé? Because I promised you we could, it's pretty stupid to let the Dark Tower scare us off if it's already supposed to be spooky that night.
I've got my masks from Termina still, so I'm not going to make such a big deal about some fancy costume, unless there's something you'd like to do.
It's been so much working at getting things back to normal, getting food and chopped wood ready for winter, that it feels like the days pass extra fast. I've been me here for more than half a year now... But we should do something away from the ordinary, something to forget about all this Crimson King and Discordia stuff....
I was thinking about maybe doing a bonfire? Like we had on Destiny Islands. We could dig a big fire pit, at the top of the beach up near the river mouth, and the fire we'll build extra high, and we'll make a big ring of torches too, so that the monsters and lobstrosities don't crawl up and bother us.
Could try and scare each other with stories from others worlds and...and maybe Aaron can bring over a great big soup pot? What do you think? Everybody could come. If anyone's got better ideas- bring them.
I don't think a lot of us have ever really gotten together in one spot for something...any time that I can remember, except for Gohan's party in New York, and Eileen's birthday. Hey, has anybody seen her around lately, or is she one of the missing people too?
Riku is back. Just great. And I'm starting to think I'm not so sure on where I stand with some of my friends...or maybe Roxas just needs time to shake off everything that's happened behind that door. Yuffie seems mad too, but I think it's more at Vincent than me, or else she's jealous of Naminé. Girls are so tough to figure out!