Jan 20, 2009 01:32
it's a new year i figure it's actually time for change with me. gotta decide if i wanna stay around here or move. then find a permanent job and stick to it. i'm just working as manager at VPF now. min. wage is now $7.30, so $8 for managing doesn't really seem worth it. the only plus is that i get more hours.
i just turned 24, so i gotta start doing something with my life before if becomes too late. i quit smoking so theres a positive step. not that i smoked a lot but i figure theres no point in it. I'VE been kinda going crazy living at home. really its not bad here. i just hate being around no one except my family. plus my sister doesn't have a car so i get last min. calls from here asking for rides. i mean she pays me so it's not horrible, but last min. requests get old after awhile. WHITEHOUSE, OHIO SUX
i'm flying out to cali on sunday to visit kyle. i can't freakin' wait. well actually i'm flying into vegas but kyles gonna be in vegas for a week so i'm just meeting him there. flights are cheaper to vegas anyways. i'm hoping we go jet skiing. kyles jet ski's are awesome. i'm super excited for the warm weather too. don't be surprised if all my pictures i come back with i'm not wearing a shit. my plan is to just soak in the nice weather with it being january and all. who knows maybe i'll come back with a sunburn. hahahaha
since i'll be in vegas i'm gonna visit nate too. that will be fun. probably get chugged and shit. good time will be had.
this trip is kinda a sample too. trying to decide if maybe i wanna move out there. find a place to live with kyle and just try something new. who knows. we'll see how it goes.
i've been really pumped about hockey lately. my favorite team is currently #1 in the NHL, and has been for awhile. i've seen them place once this year already. i'm hopefully going to go see them again shortly after i get back from my vaca.
hoping for a good year and full of new adventures!!!