Apr 06, 2008 21:54
Hmm.. love.
love is either way over done, or everything they say about it is exact to the point.
i have never experience love. or at least not that i am aware of. i have been in many relationships. 10 if you include 2 weeks as a relationship. 3 were serious. and 2 of them were very very painful when it ended. the fact that it was so painful makes me wonder if i was in love.
and if i was in love, why didn't i know it? and if i was... that was it? it wasn't anything special or out of the ordinary. isn't it supposed to just "hit" you? why can't anyone explain love? if it has been written about and talked about so much - why can no one explain it?
shouldn't there be some guidelines to how you know when you are in love? do you have to have those butterflies? cause i cant remember the last time i felt that. and wouldn't that just be more like lust or infatuation instead of love?
is love really like everyone says it is? not so much disney but the head- over- heels, cant - get - my -mind off - you , blah blah blah ... feelings?
don't get me wrong. i am not a realist or anything.. i dont think.. lol. in fact i think of my self quite the one for romance. i love chivalry and being treated like a lady, and i think people who are in love are the luckiest people alive.
i just get frustrated because i don't understand it. and if i have experienced it, i would like to be aware.
they say you "just know" when you are in love. but how do they know you will know?
what if i have been in love? is that really all there is than? if so, whats the big deal?
some people say you know you are in love when you realize that you would do anything for that person. but thats just the way i am with my friends. i will go the extra mile for them. i would fight for them. thats just how i can be. thats not love than is it? thats friendship love.
but what about true love?
my parents are definitely the best example of true love found far and wide.
maybe thats why i am so frustrated? i just feel like there has to be a logically explanation.
i give everything in relationships. its just how i am. so how do i determine when its love?
.. what if i will be one of those people who will just never love?
.. thats a scary thought. but seems so true. maybe love will happen to everyone but me. or maybe i'm just sick of disappointment?
i have had 3 guys tell me they loved me. lol clearly that couldn't have been true! since i am with none of them.
which makes me wonder why i still try with relationships when so many have failed. maybe because of my parents in some twisted way.
i am a woman, i do realize that i am completely over analyzing this most likely.