5th step [Action]

Dec 02, 2009 14:01

...Hippos... Circuitry rewiring, who likes Hippos... The water horse, what an odd thought

I am me, interesting.. [Looks up] Does everyone else find the me that was me interesting?

[River is... River, and thus making no sense. Or a lot of sense, depends on who you ask. Geographically however, she's being quite a bit more practical then usual. She's sitting on the rail of the bridge in town, a polka-dot umbrella resting across her shoulders, snow falling silently around her]

Sea-star, sun-star, tentacles. Not enough of those... tentacles. [Shivers] ...[Peeks out from under her umbrella to make sure she's alone, before smiling crookedly and-] Tentacles... tentaclestentaclestentaclestentaclesTENTACLESTENTACLES! [Tinkling laughter follows]


prodigy, words, wtf river, balance, genius

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