This is a post for you to put up what do, or do not, want River to know about your characters. She is a psychic so if you specifically don't want her to bring up any stuff for your character or you really DO want her to, let me know here and I'll be sure to follow through.
You can contact me on my AIM at Garoganite if you want to plot things out
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Some things that are fun about Vash that you wouldn't know if you haven't watched the show:
- He's not human. He's a plant.
- He's over 130 years old
- His left arm is fake
- His right arm can turn into a huge ass gun that tends to scare the shit out of him. Mostly because he can't control it when his brother or one of his brother's henchmen activated it.
Those are the big things he tends to not share with people.
Hope you have fun with Vash~
And I hope you enjoy River!! I was excited to see her join!
Can't wait to tag with you too~
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