How can you look in my eyes and my heart and not see that there's something I lack?

Jul 25, 2005 22:48

So my last update was somewhat immature, but then again, so am I.

I can now play part of one song on my guitar...Nirvana's "Come as you are." I'm pretty proud. I bought picks, finally. I had been playing with this rather cumbersome bass pick that Mike got at the Andrew WK show. Unfortunately now my poor playing is just poor playing, whereas before I had a scapegoat. I'm working on learning "Here Comes the Sun," but it doesn't sound right without a capo, so that will be my next guitar accessory purchase.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to the beach with some work people. I'm quite excited. More to have been invited than to actually be going to the beach. I approach wearing a bathing suit in front of these people with apprehension and chagrin, but above all, I am pleased with myself for making friends fairly quickly upon arriving in a new place.

Today I saw Wedding Crashers, which I liked. It made me want to watch The Notebook, so I think I'll do that in the next few minutes.

Marc Broussard is my new hero. He's unbelievable. I'm going to see him at the House of Blues on August 10th. Should be a good time.

School starts a month from yesterday. I've really been looking forward to it, but I realize that I'm always looking forward to stuff, which makes it difficult to appreciate the present, which in general, isn't so bad. Plus, when I happen upon the event I've been looking forward to, I'm already looking ahead to something else. I know all this is very obvious, but it's something I'd like to improve upon.

Quote of the week:

Uncle John: So, did you hear they did a bunch of studies, and it turns out Lance Armstrong's heart is larger than the average person's?
Sam: Because of the cancer??
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