Harry Potter, Draco/Harry, NC-17

Jun 05, 2011 11:29

Title: Landslide
Author: libby_drew
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Length: Oneshot
Rating: NC-17, though I feel it's more R
Genre: friendship/romance-ish, slight angst, drama
Warning: caretaker!Draco, badass!Harry, Teddy-bringing-Harry-and-Draco-together (seriously there are so many stories like this)
Why this is awesome: Teddy is adorable. Harry is a badass. And while I will continuously associate caretaker with Filch, Draco's not a horrible caretaker. He's really quite sweet ♥

length: oneshot, fandom: harry potter (drarry), rec'd by: alice

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