Naruto, Gaara/Sakura, R

May 12, 2011 17:55

Title: How & Why
Author: randomsomeone @
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Gaara/Sakura
Length: chaptered
Rating: R
Genre: romance, drama
Why this is awesome: This story is a giant, fantastic mindfuck. Completely. Not only was the characterization absolutely amazing, the depth that the author went to in order to give realism to the characters was just jdigal;gjiarl; I love how Gaara wasn't portrayed as suddenly becoming "normal", instead, he's not so much into bloodlust, and yet he still retains his animalistic side. What I also like is how their relationship slowly evolves into something more than just being acquaintances, but it's hidden inside deep conversations. ALSO, DARK MOODS AND A SHITLOAD OF TENSION. EVERYWHERE. I LOVE IT.

rec'd by: christie, fandom: naruto, length: chaptered

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