Oct 22, 2007 21:54
its been hell. seriously.
bill book was like 3/4 done *&* word messed up *&* i didnt save so i had to restart from scratch. ew.
school shit. too much school shit.
i did shitty on my lsats. like i need to retake them. deadline to register is a week from tommorow *&* im hella broke, so i have no clue how im going to swing that.
work shit. im so sick of the drama there. ppl talking shit, ppl starting shit. all i do is unnoticed *&* unapprciated.
paul *&* deb pretty much said today im not gonna go to law school, im not gonna be a good lawyer. they dont even think im moving in january. fuck them man. i dont care if i dont have a place to live im fucking leaving in january anyways just to spite these fuckers.
im so sick of trying to make everyone happy. i try my damndest to make everyone happy. i bend over backwards. i do what everyone asks. nothing is good enough for anyone. not good enough for deb. not good enough for my family. not good enough for heather. not good enough for lisa. not good enough for mikey. not good enough for any of my friends (the ones i have left).
i just cant do this anymore. im so tired. im tired of life. im tired of being shit on everyway i turn. i cant do this much longer. spending all my time faking being happy *&* smart *&* ok is taking a toll on me.