today the packing begins in very much earnest.
i have a lot to do but i am sure that i can get it all done in the next three days.
i only have so much space to fill so the hardest part will be figuring out what all i am going to be able to fit and what needs to be left behind.
i need to go buy trashbags for clothings. i still have many boxes.
i'm very excited. it looks like there may be a place to move into when we get down there now... which means i don't have to leave maggie behind for a while at all!
okay... time to get packing.
hum... i am looking forward so much to being down there... i have plans for things i want to accomplish... but i have so /many/ things i want to do that its probably more on my plate than i'll be able to eat safely.
okay... time to go pack.
life is strange sometimes... i'm very very glad to be moving i have to say.
okay... really going this time!