(no subject)

May 31, 2010 12:16

Oookay, DC is very hot and muggy.

So in order to get to my summer job, I have to get to a shuttle in Arlington. I could bike directly to the shuttle stop (~4 miles on my bike), I could bike to a Metro stop in DC and take the Metro to the shuttle stop (~2.5 to 3 miles on my bike), or I could take a bus to the Metro stop in DC and take the Metro to the shuttle.

I got up early today so I could go bike around and figure out where the metro stop I'd be taking is. Having left the house at 8:15 or 8:30, it took me quite a while to get to the Metro stop. I am not very good on a bike and not very good on hills, so I kept having to get off the bike and I was slowed significantly because I didn't want to go on the Big Scary Road and instead rode on the sidewalk, where I had to dodge pedestrians. Getting to the metro stop went fine ... but then I had to bike back.

By that point it was about 9:15 and starting to get really hot, and unfortunately the way back is more uphill than downhill. I had to take a breather in the air-conditioned Safeway. I did get back okay (after getting lost and calling my landlady), but this has squashed my potential plan to bike all the way to the shuttle. In fact, tomorrow I think I'm going to take the bus to the Metro because it's supposed to rain and bike + rain + hills = scary.

In general, I can avoid the heat by taking a late shuttle back that will get me to DC at about 9pm, at which point I could definitely bike home comfortably. I think my Master Plan will be to bike to the Metro in the mornings, arriving at 9am for the 9:30 shuttle, and bike from the Metro in the evenings at 9ish.

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