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Oct 05, 2006 16:35

well today was pretty fun had school we had a quiz on the book that we are reading and i think i did good i tryed my hardest on it and plus we could use our notes witch helped too so ne ways after class i went to starbucks and got me a coffee and a piece of coffee cake to then wanted to go to the bulk food store but they took it out how sad of them then went in the dollar store instead but didnt find nething cool so i went to cvs to look around left there and came home and didnt all most all my homework then carmen called me and stopped by for a min and then after she left i went to farmer jacks and got something to eat for my dinner and cherrios for my mother then i came home and my aunt was here to get my mom and she was blocking the drive way and she seen me after i pulled up and she gave me this look she is seriously pissing me off lately i understand that she is going trew a hard time with my grandfather being in the hospital again but she dont need to act this way i just wanna yell at her she makes me mad if she does it one more time thats gonna be it im gonna blow up at her i dont care i dont cuz i have been stressed out a little bit this week over something and i wanted to buy bozze but i cant drink during the week but thats all over now the problem is fixed it had to do with my parents money problem but thats over and done with my problem is my aunt is a cranky old cant keep her mouth closed has to piss people off for no reason buttmunch is the nicer way of names to pick from cuz i already said worse and my mother got mad at me oh well but writing this in my jounral helps get it all out tooo so i guess i dont need to yell at my aunt but i will have a little chat with her soon if this happens again ne who on a more better note tommrow drinks all around me and carmen are going to have drinks why cuz we can and its fun to do and i like it after a busy week of work and school ok so get off my back ill go to AA when the time is right LOL wellz im out now and i will write more later k.
Love Megan
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