and where do you go when your gone?

Aug 23, 2003 02:14

this week fucking sucked. i've seen more doctors and been to more hospitals than i have this whole year. apparently on monday i get to experience a catscan. lovely. especially since i am chlosterphobic. i do not think it will be too enjoyable for me.

i am sad that this being my last full week and all.. i have made no attempts to leave my house besides sitting by the pool for a little while or going into boston for a short time.
i miss everybody. i feel like i have already lost the friendships that i was so upset to disrupt with my leaving. i can honestly say there is not one person right now that knows what the fuck is going on with me.. which won't prove beneficial when i finally am in vermont and having a nervous breakdown with no one to turn to..

it's 2am and all i've been hearing for the past 20 minutes is a car alarm going off without any signs of silence
i guess it would be annoying to anybody else but it is particularly calming to me right now. soothing even. weird.

my financial aid is all fucked up, and i learned today that i am pretty much signing my life away to get loans. i will indefinitely be paying until i am old and gray. i don't know if i can move in and start classes when i am supposed to because shit isn't completely straightened out.. but they sent me my room information, along with my roommates name, Carly, from DC [who called and is way too peppy for my liking] so i am guessing i can. one of the first things me and carly established was that together, our names make Carly Simon. nerds. hopefully she'll be just as cool as i had hoped and we get along well. that's the last thing i need is a fucking shithead for a roomate. we all know how well i get along with people especially girls<3 i don't really know how i am feeling about the fact that this time next week i will be officially living in vermont, with 5-7 people, knowing no one, and a full time college student who has to maintain a 3.8 GPA to get more loans.. oh yeah not to mention broke.. ahhh i'm doing fine right now.. no really i am..

but this cheered me up so much
BlueSkies92462: i love you.
i fucking miss you katie.i am going to walk to her house right now.
HAHAHAHAH. married. always. xo

call me we'll hang out before i leave..
or i will just fade into obscurity sooner than i expected.
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