Feb 17, 2005 16:31
its been two days since last update. nothing big happened yesterday if i remember correct. exept irish was at my seat in lunch during most of the periiod. that was annoying. today i kinda body checked him out of my seat. that was great. i may have startled him a bit. o well, i was nice yesterday, and he was fine.
1st period~ got a bit annoyed at david. like every other day. the class is on my side which is kinda cool. but im just gunna talk to him less and ignore him cause theres no point getting angry over him. i read my english homework in that class
2nd~ gym today. finished english question. hung with amanda, kristen, girl named kim weve been hanging with during gym whose cool, and sadly david. but w/e its gym so u can ignore it. talked to amanda more during running, and kristen a bit during the "playing" of battmitten. or however its spelt.
3rd~ turned out there was no point in doing the english because there was a sub. o well. talked to ashley, joelle (sp), ben, andrew (lol), and rachel. others also, but those were the main people.
4th~ ss. brittos class is always a deceant amount of good times. sat at his desk for a bit cause his chair is comfy. then went to mine. lost my map thing so i had to wing it all period. im sure there was a adeceant amount of stupidity. o yea "bumbless the talking traveling kola bear" if u have britto, u know how that went. hes a good guy, good teacher. found a coheed cd on his desk which irionically was probably david goodman, and i know britto doesnt like david and i want that cd so i asked him about it... he didnt let me take it though, but brittos gunna burn me a copy. then he when we were leaving corey was showing britto things on his ipod, and britto was showing me things on his. ive been wanting to see garden state but havent had the chance, so he was gunna let me listen to one of the songs. its kinda funny cause we havent talked about that movie.
5/6th~ spanish. easy class, finished math and day dreamed.
7/8-9/10~ im realizing anyone not from pb is probably getting confused by the way the numbers look now. its was only 2 periods of math. been realizing i all my little periods have something to say about goodman. which sucks. i was stuck as pattners with him. hes just as pissed at me but i really dont care. im two secounds from expoding at him. at the beggining of the period, before it started technically sicne i get there early, something cool happened. it sucks i cant really mention it here though
lunch is always the shit
band~ did alot better today. all of us did basically. yay us.
got home and learned how to make a playlist and get my mediaplayer off shuffle thanks to christine.
got my cousins and now im here