Feb 11, 2005 17:06
long subject. good day. friday. lovely day. sadly got english term paper though. its a bitch. may actually go to the silly dance thing today. not gunna dance. not gunna change. will brush teeth and deoderant cause thats just hygine. didnt sit at usuall lunch table for most of lunch. but went back when ppl at the table behind me started flinging open condoms >: 0 yea that was gross. and one hit rocco calabreta and he like i dunno had to describe it. he rubeed it back and forth in his mouth. i left after that. who buys or gets condoms just to open them and fling them across lunch. thats just stupid. so i went back for the last few minutes. watch dan and cody arm wrestle which was hella fun. cause theyre both real strong but dans muscles show more. i was rooting for cody. cody won. it was great cause it was apperently a real long match. john aka ed was the only one who say me sitting at britiany mollicone's table and came to ask why. he left after a bit cause it was kinda boring for that time. went back to the table and shared a chair with him or jt i cant remember, cause theres never enough at the table and i refuse to sit on the floor like chris or tony. so yea that was lunch. no instrumeant mishappes cause i dropped my stuff off before lunch which i think i will be doing from now on cause friends cant be trusted with such important things to me. band was just chilling with sarah kelso and becky which was cool. talked to ashley abit. suber wasnt there which is the only reason why this was possible. maybe i should practice this weekend. yea like thats gunna happen.
in ss its weird since ashley moved. i have a very big desk to myself now. which i must admit is kidna cool. but its nice to have some1 to talk to. on my side of the room now all i have by me is like ben and andrew sanders. andrew sanders. anyone who knows him knows how annoying he is. i am getting much more work done though.but still. gay little notes in class are always great. walked to spanish and talked to ppl which was grand. spanish i was so hyper. i did very good on a quiz. i hate my seat though. nichole decker sits right next to me, shes so loud and obnioxouse. im in the front corner by raucci's desk. i always feel like ppl are looking at me now cause for the most part ive been in the back and its comfterbal there. her seat arragmeants make sense. like kids doing goods, by kids who arent so much, so ther grades can pick up. but all thee kids are ahead of the kids who arent, so it should go the opposite way so she can help them personally and then the other kids for back up. but w/e i cant change that. math is starting to go buy faster. were starting trig. which is already known but stilll annoying. there was a fight outside the class that we (well i) couldnt see, but u defiattlly heard it. some kid had to have gotten smashed into lockers on the wall of that class. it was loud lol. then tudisco was making fun of kids who acted all ghetto, or in her words "from the hood" i havent heard that in a while, esp from her. it was great. she said "they live in friggen pine bush what do they think they are." which is true on alot of levels. but jyrio (sp) really is from the city and it was funny cause the faces he made when she was saying ghetto things was kinda offended and amused at the same time. good times in math.
this was a very good subject title but a very long entry that wasnt metephorical or really all that important. im just feeling good. i wished i would use that subject for a time when i was confused or finally seeing things in the fuull truth. so ill just wait a while and reuse it.
toodles. my day, in a more descriptive way than anyone ever wanted.