(no subject)

Aug 31, 2007 21:49

I'm not sure what to write, but I'll find it...

I'm trying to remember the famous last words of some eloquent (yet still dead) individual, but the exact words escape me. The jist of his comments were that last words (in his case, dying words) are pointless, and that if someone needs their last words to say something important, than they obviously failed to lead a life that said something. Not to think that my life has managed to embody a carpe diem nomadic personal imperialism, but rather just that tonight, I don't think I have anything truly amazing to say.

I'm leaving Florida tomorrow. People who speak in finalities are far too dramatic (a characteristic of Hollywood screenplays that love to draw the line in the sand nice and big), so to say that I am never coming back is silly. I need to come back on October 2 to have the permanent crown placed on a tooth drilled to oblivion this morning. I need to come back next year for Chris and Shalini's wedding. I have some friends here, I have UCF Film people who ask me to shoot their projects. I have family, extended family, and many other things here, that to treat Florida as though it were hit by a meteorite would either tempt fate to imitate blog-fiction, or just reveal a degree of immaturity I have recently come to realize I've grown past.

I've lived in Florida all my life. The longest I've lived away from 90% humidity and 10 days of "winter" was in the summer of 1997, when I attended 6 weeks of summer college at Cornell University. A decade later, I depart the peninsula to return once again and pursue my film career in more fertile soil. The second-closest "length of stay away from Florida", I returned from a few days ago in coming home from Kanab, UT on a 4 week film shoot. I'm a second generation Floridian, and who knows, perhaps someday I'll return to Florida to live. For now, though, I can only think of all the other places out there I'd love to try living in.

I remember writing a lengthy post when I couldn't find work in Orlando, and had to move back to south Florida to live with my parents. That was a devastating, overnight change. Same as when I failed out of college and realized I wasn't going back to Orlando in August, 1999. Devastating, overnight change, in my mind anyway. Now, I sit here with 95% of my personal belongings packed into the back of a rented Chevy Impala, a check from CarMax sitting on my bedside dresser waiting to get deposited, and a fairly blank mind.

I've lusted after moving away for a very long time. A while back, that lust turned into a true relationship. Were moving away a romantic engagement, tomorrow I get married. Driving to Washington, DC to see Amy (my girlfriend, for those in the cheap seats), and then Sunday I continue on to Norwalk, CT. I stay with Rachel for however long I need, I find a place as soon as possible, and then I get to work and I work as hard as I can for as long as I can. Don't burn out, but also live cheaply. I feel like tomorrow begins the lengthy final exam which I have grown competent to take over the last year.

Catalog of events since May, 2006: I've lost approximately 40lbs, gained a few pounds of muscle, saved away a great deal of money, learned to eat better and take care of myself, learned not to spend money on frivolous garbage, and realized that many of my perspectives on dating were completely backwards.

Tomorrow, I move to New York. I move on to the career I chose over 5 years ago (a daunting prospect). People I have worked with offer me professional references (in and out of the film industry). Former coworkers seemed to respect me even more for pursuing that which I wanted. Over 5 years... the passage of time, and the way I marvel at the sublime passage of time, just washes over me these days. 5 years ago, I decided to become a filmmaker, and I'm glad to say that everyone I know has my back (in exchange for various onscreen roles down the road, so I am told).

Nothing profound really to say. I'm just pleased as punch. Remembering ontological theorems of various fields and philosophies, I can think of my own for doing what you want and following your dream: when you pack up your life and drive to some far off place to live, you can find a truly fantastic truth in the fact that nothing is stopping you from driving right past it, and as far as you possibly can.

Here's to defying routines, and doing anything...
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