Jun 22, 2002 00:05
Saturday June 15th
anna, mo, sarah, karen
miss suzy had a tugboat, the tugboat had a bellthe wind of the sails like boxers hanging off the edge of the door
it never does, look my face is blue can I breathe?
but it's a digging question, what will she find under that rock
the boy poet can never find the right change for the subway
asleep in perfect blue buildings, under the green apple sea
Schools and Games children and sticks.
the factory floor was where I first lost my, or should I say whirrrrr
i smell the whiskey and dream of go-go
a freshly fallen blanket of snow
Puke just Puke Purge you regrets.
the rain tastes like the memory of your first day
you don't have to ask
Intertwined strands of purple + blue
words find the tongue hands find everything.
elemenopee, the alphabet always embarrassed me
one pack, two pack, three for the road - pack up the cars and let's go
under 5 million pounds of weight
find me holding a sphere i am the one holding you.
oh gawd, this tastes like my sister's hair
come on irene, you know what i mean, it's never been better
storms in the valley like a boxing match between cold + hot
creme and orange hmmm...
burning in the corner is the only, only shit, that's my stash
my head is going to split apart any day - now
The circus is falling, down on its knees
misery loves company lets get together
could the world squeeze any more out of itself
the opposite direction is complex enough for this group
i think she had too much to drink; her eyes are orange crayons
a blanket of velvet ablaze from an unlit candle
why is never not enough and enough is never?
give me my wife beater, my 30-ot-six, and a beer
i think i spilled my soul all over the white porch light
She steps outside and takes her clothes off, says she's close to understanding jesus
We all find them hidden in our homes.
thanks, no doubt to the grand old party's youngest savants
the tea is set for two, with eyeless lambs and witch's brew
gods a woman, she told me so.
Lonesome Doves fly in Pairs
chocolate, green, these are the things that will last
why don't you answer me?
hair flows in purples and blues
Finding it and Kissing it holding it squeezing it.
hands the color of whiskey cookie dough, again
someone is going to get a poem in their eye if they aren't careful
a crossstitch of x's and o's
why can't I get some pretzels?
as usual, the boytoy goes winding down first up down up down up
blue eyes crying on the train
dewdrops along the edge of the martini glass.
Avacados are green so why are they black out side
if people looked through the window, I would screan, desire!
i feel like telling a story about women in dresses and men in masks
The electricity from your fingers lights the lamp.
squeeze me