I saw another opossum on Monday night behind my house. It looked dead in my eye while I scrambled back into the house. I realized that much of my fear was constructed by my friends who described what opossums do and what they sound like in the worst way possible. I'm already afraid of spiders and that's enough. Opossums are not that bad, as I learned from various websites. They live a hard life and most of them do not live to be an adult. That's sad. I also decided to find some pictures online just to get a good look at them without thinking that they might come and attack me. Why would they attack me anyway? I'll admit, they way they scuttle is a little disgusting and that one night when Coye and I saw one climbing up a skinny ass tree it was kind of gross looking, but whatever, it wasn't climbing up me.
So anyway, I looked at some pictures and thought that they're actually kind of cute. Here's one:
They're not that bad. Lets see how I feel next time they come around my house.