[Cosplay] Taiwan & Hong Kong

Jul 19, 2009 22:35

Today I had a little good bye party, celebrated with a picknick on the grounds of my university, ie in the middle of the estate buildings of Sancoussi palace, which happens to be right next to the place where I live.

So to say, if anyone on my f-list doesn't know yet and cares, I'll be moving back in with my parents next sunday. Leaving Prussia... Fffff and I still didn't even get started on my chibi Prussia. Damn.

Anyway, on to the pictures:
Hong Kong = Me
Taiwan = Ma-chan

Gotta love perspective. It makes height differences not matter at all.

This is something like Prussia's door, right? Door to the kitchen or something, but anyway. Still a part of the Sancoussi park.
The fact that the place where we were is something like Prussia's backyard still amuses me to no end, reason being: An RP where I play HK just recently got a Prussia who is 19th century, which means that he's all "yellow scum". He really makes my muse want to play some prank on him, and this was like sneaking into his house... XD

Chinese mafia waiting for Prussia to leave his house? ...or something like that ^^°

Imma not Ulquiorra! ;-;

Our Korea, who is still waiting for a wig, came up with what this fusion would look like: KOREA OF COURSE. Because fusions originated in Korea?

Proof that I am WAY too chibi to do Hong Kong. Not only way too short, but... I'm just not cool or anything. At ALL.

BUT I got dynamite. Which has to be my fireworks for now, since it's the only explosives that I have in my cosplay stock.

Taiwan kept stealing the fireworks and I couldn't get them back because I'm too short ;O; being short sucks sooo much sometimes.

Just. Ignore my painted nails.

cosplay : axis powers hetalia, aph - ch : taiwan, aph - ch : hong kong

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