...but I love YABU even more!!♥ XDD
and i love you too HIKARU!! xD ♥ and you too TAKU, with your new fly away hairstyle~ 8D!!
Jentoruzu = Gentles? that's Hikaru's song right?
and I love making screenshots too, except I'm too lazy right now~ xD;;
momop you won't be watching this perf or the Shokura Special because your not coming to my house for new year~ TT__TT boo you!! D8< XD
aikyuu ,
cerhiby ,
yohaneko the Onigiri keychains might come around the first week of January, or after that XD;; I dunno because the printing shop near my house is closed, gomen~ TT__TT
kk, that's all off to do some spring cleaning before 12AM~ ^^ I just wanted to greet everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!♥ 今年もよろしくお願いします~! *hugs*