ok so i didn't reach the deadline for the Shoon icon contest~ ;___; i was suppose to make one yesterday but i went out and bought some stuff and watched Happy Feet~ XD it's been a long time since i last watched a movie~
heres the Shoon icon i was suppose to submit, eeh too lazy to resize~ xD:;
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Manga! Haha, I know what you mean~ It's so different when you actually own the manga. XD Right now, I'm borrowing manga, but only the ones I don't want to buy. XD I'm gonna buy the ones I want~
I want a BLUE stereo!! D: But I'm getting my brother's one which is grey/silver.. v__v
..a fangirl had sent Koki an Utan keychain but it was sent back to her saying that the boys aren’t allowed to get gifts from the fans.
- ...WHAT?! Are you serious? D: That is so sad! LET'S GO TO JAPAN TOGETHER ONE DAY AND GIVE GIFTS TO YA3 PERSONALLY!! DDDX Stuff JE. >>;
I have that episode~ It's so cute! X3 Yabu was seriously freaked out and Taiyou was like *giggles* 8D and Kohei acted normal~ Yabu had to hold their hands because he was so scared. XD So cute! X3
My life before JE was all anime/manga fangirling along with some Dong Bang Shin Ki fangirling. XD Wow, this comment is sorta long. o:
yeah it's different when your actually holding the manga than reading it from the monitor XD reading it from the PC makes my neck hurt 8D; nyahaha same here, i only buy the manga that i want~♥ 8D
but grey and silver is also kakoii~! *O* omg this emoticon is new to me>>>> v__v ..XD
ZOMG YEAH LETS GO TO JAPAN TOGETHER AND SHOW YA3 HOW MUCH WE LOVE THEM!! DD8< no JE is going to stop us from giving them GIFTS!! D:< *hyperventilates* DD: i want to send Ya3 a christmas card and it's ok if they don't reply as long as they recieve it, ne? xD
yeah Yabu looked so scared! uwaah prease tell me what episode that was? XDD Kohei is like so calm and cool and Yabu is so uke and Taiyo is omgsocuteimgonnaglomphim~♥ XDD
same here anime/manga and some DBSK♥(introduced to me by my korean friend)~ XD it's ok i love long comments~ ♥ XD
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