Last Night, the
CW aired the second installment in the seventh season of Smallville titled simply, "Kara". I am so torn with my feelings about this episode because I felt that there were amusing moments and some very, very sad (and I mean in a bad way) moments. Hopefully this will be my first and last installment of what I like to call....
Smallville: The Good, The Bad, and the Stupidly Written
**Warning, Contains Major Spoilage so Proceed With Cautions**
The Good
- Tom Welling's performance. I feel that his acting talent gets progressively better with each new season. Although I feel that the dialogue can be written stronger for his Super character, I feel he delivers his responses and facial expressions like the professional he's grown to be. Now, my opinion may be biased but it is honest.
I love the fact that Lois is finally starting to find her firm place in the show and at the Daily Planet. I am so glad she started working there although I'm not sure how the dynamic of having the former hot up and coming reporter, Chloe working with Lois is going to work out. Chloe seems to already be exhibiting some signs of jealousy which was clearly written all over her face when Lois was offered the job at the Planet. I would like to see how this angle pans out throughout the season and if Lois's writing and reporting skills can improve because the girl seems to need help in that department. I guess everyone, even top historical tough-as-nails journalists need to start somewhere.
- I also liked (and I use the term loosely) the fact that the writers introduced Supergirl, Kara into the storyline because I feel that her character being around can somehow help Clark get back to being a Superman and not a SuperChump or SuperWife abductor because you have to admit, the way Clark has been written on Smallville lately is hardly the way Superman is supposed to be. You can read more about that if you visit this site, Operation Save Clark Kent.
- Mmmm, what else... Oh yes, the fact that Clark is trying to finally get started with his training gets me excited because I want to see if his training will lead to him defying gravity and finally flying! Perhaps that may happen this season considering that there have been several mentions of Kara being able to do it and her and Chloe asking him why he couldn't makes me feel that maybe he may develop the ability, what do you think?
The Bad
- OK, I understand why they had to introduce Grant Gabriel in the show as the young new editor at the Daily Planet because the made it possible for Lois to start her epic journey there, I get that part. But what I don't get is why they cast this Michael Cassidy guy to play the role? I mean, the guy isn't bad looking if you like the frail, terribly-small-for-his-age-boy-next-door look, but the guy (and his character) are freakishly annoying!! Did he have this effect on anyone other than myself? His character was brash and rude and not to mention he spoke with a cocky air that made me want to smack his stupid face every time he opened his mouth to make a snide remark! If I were Chloe, I would've made him sorry he ever stepped a boney foot into her Daily Planet office. Let's just say, he didn't make a great first impression on me.
- Is it just me or does anyone else feel that Lana was found a tad, no, waaaayyyyy too soon? I mean, give us some kind of suspense people!! My God, seriously!! It's like two episodes ago the girl is presumed dead and then all of a sudden, there she is! She should have just gone on a VA-cay in Aruba or something for a few episodes and then been found. But noooooo! They just had to bring her skinny ass back to Smallville so she can fill the order of angst for the day! Jeez!
- Speaking of bad moments, this is a bad moment that has occurred throughout the Smallville series ever since Jor-El was written into the show. Why is it that every time Clark visits the fortress, he has to scream like an asshole? I mean, Jor-El is talking like normal and then Clark's responses are at the top of his lungs! Isn't this Fortress supposed to be a huge, vast ice castle which by the way would have the acoustics of Symphony Hall, why would he have to scream? And besides, Jor-El is dead, he isn't not even there so there's no need for Clark to be a loud mouth. Whatever, I noticed it!!
- Kara just seems to be an airhead with super powers because to me, she's not Supergirl! I think the writers better start tightening up their character details with this one because according to the comics and mythos, Kara is supposed to be super smart and not just a super brat!! Laura Vandervooooort needs to start studying her lines and acting skills just a little harder instead of making so many public appearance because that was the weakest rendition of Supergirl I have ever seen!!
and now onto...the Stupidly Written!
- What the hell is up with the terrible writing?? I mean, throughout the episode there was the lack of explanations. Like, who was it that killed the two park rangers? Did I miss something or did they not conclude who or what killed those men? Kara didn't do it. Could it have been the Dept. of Defence guys? I guess we'll never unless they happen to mention the real culprit next episode.
- Another thing, why do people have to come to such quick conclusions in Smallville? Clark's miraculous way of putting two and four together and making 20 is getting on my nerves already! He figures out that Kara's ship somehow made its way to the damn and somehow, remained under water there for 18 years and then when the damn exploded it must have somehow, broken her suspended animation and she then woke up! WTF??? How the hell did he figure that shit out so fast, in one line no less?? I mean, a person like me would've been like, duh.... for like the rest of the day at least and then I would've come back to the same exact spot and then, I would've told my version of the truth! That's how we do it in the hood!! Word !
- Ok, I know you are all tired of me by now and of reading this long-ass review but I have one more coincidence for you to chew on....I can understand how Lex found Lana by using "the best state of the art equipment he could find in Metropolis" to scan aaaallll the satellites on the world to pin-point Lana in China, really, I can understand that! But what they don't explain is how he able to give a point by point rundown of EXACTLY how she was able to obtain his confidential records and find out the he was hording a blowup doll with her DNA, otherwise known as a clone, and she then was able to carry this 100+ pound body out of his lab where he was hiding it all by herself without his security catching her? Not to mention then placing said dead body, into her Jeep Liberty in broad daylight, no less, with no one seeing that she was carrying herself essentially. With no ne stopping to ask her questions about her non-breathing look-alike, she was then able to careen herself onto a moving truck and make it all the way to China with what money??? Never-the-less, she makes it to safety to then only be found again by the sexy Bald Menace and then she can't kill him but takes him up on his offer to come back to Smallville and that's where they leave her?? I have to say this...the writers on Smallville are smoking some majorly strong shit!! And it must be laced with the finest X-potion or whatever the kids call it these days because that was a crock of flaming elephant turds!!
So in conclusion, if you didn't notice, I liked the episode but I really hated parts of it. I'm just tired of the producers/writers/directors of the show thinking that the Smallville fans are a bunch of stupid, small minded, ass hats!! I'm not! I am very intelligent and I can tell when I'm being dicked around with and quite frankly, I guess I'm looking forward to some changes being made with the making of this show and fast!!
That's all, thank you for stopping by! Please comment if you agree or disagree, I would love to hear anyone respond! Thanks!
*credit for image goes to
dj Capslock on LJ, thank you!!